Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


Date of this Version



Insect Science, Plant Disease, & Weed Science, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources 91(14) (June 28, 1991)


Copyright 1991 University of Nebraska


In this issue

Plant Disease

Corn anthracnose identified in Fillmore County …………… 77

Com lethal necrosis suspected; threat is serious …………… 77

Wind and rain damage provide opportunity for bacterial blight infection in soybeans …………… 78

Wheat scab threat reduced in south central Nebraska …………… 78

Nematodes may be hidden, but the threat is real …………… 79

Weed Science

Timing is essential for late season 2,4-D use …………… 79

State grants special labels for three herbicides …………… 79

Insect Science

Potato leafhoppers damaging soybeans, alfalfa …………… 80

Correction …………… 80

Scout for rootworm beetles; evaluate damage …………… 81

Rootworm damage scale …………… 81

Environmental Programs

More records required of private applicators …………… 82
