Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


Date of this Version



Insect Science, Plant Disease, & Weed Science, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources 87(25) (September 25, 1987)


Copyright 1987 University of Nebraska


In This Issue:

  • Economize -- Spray Alfalfa Sod Don't Plow
  • Bindweed Control in Gardens, Windbreaks, and Farmsteads
  • Fall Lawn Weed Control
  • Nebraska Crop Pest Management Update Conference

Economize -- Spray Alfalfa Sod Don't Plow

Eventually alfalfa stands become unproductive and the land must be rotated to another crop. Plowing is an expensive and sometimes not completely effective way of killing alfalfa. Killing the alfalfa with herbicides is more economical than plowing, is very effective and leaves the soil less subject to erosion. An economical, consistent alfalfa control treatment is a combination of 1 qt. 2,4-D (4 lb./gal) + 0.5 pt. Banvel per acre. The herbicide approach will cost $5.50/A + application cost compared with $10.00-$15.00/A for plowing.

Bindweed Control in Gardens, Windbreaks, and Farmsteads

Field bindweed is a persistent perennial weed. Fall is the best time to control field bindweed, especially in gardens, windbreak s, and around farmsteads. Roundup and 2, 4-D are both suited for bindweed control in these situations. There are two big advantages to fall control programs: l)herbicides are quite effective in the fall, and 2) there is little risk of herbicide damage to desirable vegetation.

Fall Lawn Weed Control

Homeowners are hard to convince that fall is an ideal time to treat lawns for troublesome weeds. The very best control should be expected on dandelions, field bindweed, chickweed, shepherdspurse, henbit, ground ivy, violets, and other broadleaf turf weeds that make fall growth. Excellent herbicides are available. Apply them anytime in October or early November before a hard freeze.
