Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of
Date of this Version
Insect Science, Plant Disease, & Weed Science, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources 88(4) (April 15, 1988).
In This Issue:
- Musk and Plume less Thistle
- Weed Control in New CRP Seedings
Musk and Plumeless Thistle
Check pastures and rangeland for musk and plumeless thistle. Right now is the perfect time to apply herbicides for their control. Thistles are most susceptible to herbicides when they are in the rosette stage. Because of our warm weather, the rosettes are big, ripe and luscious; the perfect condition for herbicide applications. Musk and plumeless thistle grow under cool conditions. Therefore, herbicides are slower acting but still effective. It's important to apply herbicides before the thistles bolt. It's much better to treat a thistle rosette on a 50° F day than a bolted plant on a 70° F day.
Weed Control in New CRP Seedings
Successful perennial forage establishment depends on the presence of adequate soil water for seed germination and seedling emergence. Weeds can quickly deplete soil moisture and must be controlled to allow grass and legume seedlings to germinate and emerge. In addition, rapidly growing, uncontrolled weeds can form a canopy which shades slower growing desirable plants. Weeds must be controlled on CRP acres to reduce the risks of seeding failure and eliminate possible reseeding costs. Several herbicides have been labeled for use on CRP situations.
Copyright 1988 University of Nebraska