Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of
Date of this Version
Insect Science, Plant Disease, & Weed Science, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources 88(7) (May 6, 1988).
In This Issue:
- 1988 Weed Science Tour
- Summer Hours
- Weather your Herbicide Works or Not
- Pasture Spraying and Grazing Restrictions
1988 Weed Science Tour
The itinerary has been set for the 1988 Weed Tour. This year the tour will progress from west to east across the state. The itinerary is as follows:
Summer Hours
Our summer office hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We are often in the field at this time of year and you may get a more immediate response by contacting the extension agent in your county.
Weather Your Herbicide Works or Not
The dry spring we've had so far may adversely affect some early preplant treatments. All preemergence applications require rainfall to activate them, including early preplant treatments. In some situations, very little or no rainfall has occurred since these treatments were applied. This doesn't present a problem as long as the weeds haven't germinated. However, in some situations there may be enough moisture present to cause weeds to come on.
Pasture Spraying and Grazing Restrictions
Grazing restrictions on sprayed pastures vary with the herbicide and the type of livestock. The only restriction with 2,4-D is that lactating dairy animals not be grazed on treated areas within 7 days after application. There are no restrictions on meat animal grazing.
Copyright 1988 University of Nebraska.