Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of
Date of this Version
Insect Science, Plant Disease, & Weed Science, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources 88(8) (May 13, 1988).
In This Issue:
- Algae and Moss Control in Water and Stock Tanks
- More on Pasture Spraying and Grazing
- Buckbrush and Snowberry--Control Time is Now
- Postemergence Weed Control in Corn
Algae and Moss Control in Water and Stock Tanks
With warmer weather, moss and algae will again make their appearance in plastic nurse tanks used to hold water supplies for spraying operations. Control is simple and inexpensive.
More on Pasture Spraying and Grazing
In the last Newsletter the grazing restrictions following Tordon use were inadvertently omitted. Do not move grazing livestock from Tordon treated pasture to broadleaf crop areas without first allowing 7 days grazing on untreated pastures. Otherwise there are no grazing restrictions with Tordon for meat or dairy animals.
Buckbrush and Snowberry--Control Time Is Now
Buckbrush and western snowberry development is advanced due to ear ly season warm temperatures. Research shows there's a brief two-week period in May during which 2,4-D performs effectively for the control of these two woody plant species. Control time is now -- May 10 to 25 in eastern and southern Nebraska. Northward, initial treatment could be delayed until May 20. Apply 1 1/2 quarts of low volatile 2,4-D ester (4 lbs. active ingredient per gallon) per acre in enough water to provide good coverage.
Postemergence Weed Control in Corn
Dry weather has reduced herbicide performance resulting in poor weed control in some early planted corn. To control escaped grasses, atrazine with oil should be applied when the grass is less than 1 1/2" tall. Bladex 80W or 90DF can also be used but don't apply with oil or if the corn is past the 5-leaf stage. Bladex * atrazine prepacks (Conquest, Extrazine) can also be used to control escaped grasses. Tandem in combination with either Bladex or atrazine increases postemergence activity. If atrazine has already been used as a soil application, be aware of potential carryover problems from an additional postemergence treatment. If Bladex has already been used as a soil application, do not exceed the maximum labeled rate for your soil type. Prowl plus atrazine (Prozine) or Prowl + Bladex can be applied up to the 4-leaf stage of corn.
Copyright 1988 University of Nebraska.