Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of
Date of this Version
Insect Science, Plant Disease, & Weed Science, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources 88(12) (June 17, 1988)
In This Issue:
- Poast in Corn for Shattercane Control
- Pasture and Range Weed Control
- Weed Tour Reminder
- Brush and Woody Plant Control
- Lawn Weed Control
Poast in Corn for Shattercane Control
BASF Corporation has received a Section 18 (emergency exemption) approval for post directional use of Poast herbicide in corn for shattercane control. The label specifies that all applicators must be commercially certified and receive special training by BASF Corporation personnel. Application equipment must direct the herbicide only onto the lower 10 inches of 3D-inch (minimum) corn with the spray nozzles mounted on rigid drop pipes or on skid shoes that follow the terrain. The boom width cannot exceed the planter width. Maximum cane height for control is 12 inches. Experience indicates that Poast will cause excessive corn injury if all label precautions are not followed.
Pasture and Range Weed Control
The growing season is ahead of normal over much of Nebraska and so are pasture and grazing land weeds. Normally the later part of June is the best time to treat broom snakeweed, vervain, goldenrod, sagebrush, snow-on-the mountain, and western ragweed. With the advanced growing season, these weeds should be in the correct stage for treatment over much of Nebraska by mid-June. There's a tendency to treat on the late side rather than too early. A good guideline for treating most perennials is to mow or apply the herbicide when the weeds are in the early flower bud stage. Biennial thistles are an exception and should be treated in the rosette stage.
Weed Tour Reminder
The Nebraska Weed Tour is scheduled for Sidney on June 20 and Scottsbluff and North Platte on June 21. The Tour continues at Clay Center and Lincoln on June 22 and concludes at Concord on June 23.
Copyright 1988 University of Nebraska