Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


Date of this Version



Insect Science, Plant Disease, & Weed Science, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources 89(18) (October 10, 1989)


Copyright 1989 University of Nebraska


In This Issue:

  • 1990 Crop Protection Clinic Schedule
  • It's Not Too Late
  • Control Alfalfa Now - No-Till in '90

1990 Crop Protection Clinic Schedule

The dates and locations for the 1990 Crop Protection Clinics have been set. As in the past, we will continue the format of 15-minute presentations with time for questions. Entomologists, Plant Pathologists, and Weed Scientists will be presenting the latest information. Commercial applicators are reminded that the 1990 clinics will be used to re-certify applicators in several categories. More details on the clinics will be available in our November newsletter.

It's Not Too Late

A relatively hard freeze need not shut down weed control activities. A lot of our tough weeds thrive when temperatures are in the 40's and 50's in mid to late fall. Here are some weed control operations that can be done during the next four to six weeks, weather permitting:

--Make herbicide applications for pennycress and downy brome control in established alfalfa. Karmex, Sencor/Lexone, and Sinbar should be applied to dormant alfalfa.

Control Alfalfa Now - No-Till in '90

Eventually alfalfa stands become unproductive and the land must be rotated to another crop. Plowing is an expensive and sometimes not completely effective way of killing alfalfa. Killing the alfalfa with herbicides is more economical than plowing, is very effective, and leaves the soil less subject to erosion. An economical, consistent alfalfa control treatment is a combination of 1 qt. 2,4- D (4 lb./gal) + 0.5 pt. Banvel per acre. The herbicide approach will cost $6.00/A + application cost compared with $10.00-$15.00/A for plowing.
