Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of
Date of this Version
Insect Science, Plant Disease, & Weed Science, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources 90(4) (April 13, 1990)
In This Issue
Lorsban Given Emergency Registration for Wheat .......................................................... 19
Search is On For C-7 Lady Beetle .......................... 20
Crop Pest Update: Alfalfa, Clover Leaf Weevils Found .................................................. 20
Beekeepers Field Day Set for May 5 ...................... 20
Start Watching for Grape Flea Beetle .................... 20
For More Information ................................................ 20
Weed Science
Combination Herbicides -What's in a Name? ...... 21
Herbicides Labeled for Postemergence Weed Control on CRP Acres .............................. 22
Plant Disease
Apply Fungicides to Control Diplodia Tip Blight of Pines .................... ......... 22
Wheat Disease Update: Few New Problems Developing ............................... 23
Protect Against Phytophthora Root Rot ................ 23
Treat Iron Chlorosis of Trees and Shrubs in Early Spring ............................ 23
Plant Disease Slide Sets Produced ........................ 23
Lawn Fungi Problems Not Quite So Magical as the Myths ..................... 24
Copyright 1990 University of Nebraska