Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of
Date of this Version
Insect Science, Plant Disease, & Weed Science, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources 90(7) (May 4, 1990)
In This Issue
Insect Science
Russian Wheat Aphid Problem Excalates ................ 37
Use Extended for Lorsban 4E on Russian Wheat Aphid ........................................................ 38
Chinch Bugs Invade Wheat in Southeast Nebraska .............................................................. 38
For More Information .............................................. 38
Chinch Bug Control Requires Early Planning .......... 39
Baythroid Proposed for Control .............................. 39
Label Changed on Force 1.5G Insecticide ................ 40
Update: Alfalfa, Clover Leaf Weevils Moving In ........................................................... 40
Watch for Army Cutworms in Western Nebraska .............................................................. 41
Plant Disease
Wheat Leaf Rust Severe in Arkansas, Texas .......... 41
Powdery Mildew Now in Wheat ............................ 41
Stripe Smut Active in Turfgrass ............................ 41
Soybean Seed Treatment: Yes or No? .................... 42
Apply Fungicides to Control Dothistroma Needle Blight.............42
Padded Mailers Available ...................................... 42
Weed Science
New Herbicides Approved for Dry Edible Beans.... 43
Triazine-resistant Kochia Requires Special Plan .... 43
Passport Registered ................................................ 44
Copyright 1990 University of Nebraska