Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


Date of this Version



Insect Science, Plant Disease, & Weed Science, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources 90(18) (Aug. 3, 1990)


Copyright 1990 University of Nebraska


In This Issue

Insect Science

Capture 2EC Gets Crisis Exemption .......................... 109

European Com Borers: To Treat or Not to Treat Worksheet Aids in Determination .......................... 110

Worksheet .......................... 110

Com Rootworm Beetle Numbers High .......................... 112

Take Steps to Protect Honeybees from Pesticides .......................... 111

Attack White Grubs in Turf in Early August .......................... 111

Agricultural Meteorology

Use Degree Days to Predict Pest, Plant Growth .......................... 112

Plant Disease

Don't Eat the Mushrooms .......................... 113

Pack Samples Carefully for Accurate Diagnosis .......................... 113

Check Them Out .......................... 113

Rust-Colored Turf Signals Disease .......................... 114
