Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


Date of this Version



Insect Science, Plant Disease, & Weed Science, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources 90(21) (Aug. 24, 1990)


Copyright 1990 University of Nebraska


In This Issue

Insect Science

Russian Wheat Aphids Hit Hard in the Panhandle ................................. 125

Begin Scouting Sorghum Fields for Greenbugs .............................. 126

Get the Buzz on African Bees .............................. 126

Plan Now to Reduce Chinch Bugs in 1991 .............................. 127

Weed Science

Stop Leafy Spurge Advance with Fall Treatn1ent .............................. 128

2,4-D Helpful for Controlling Hemp Dogbane .............................. 129

Plant Disease

Improve Lawn to Reduce Disease Potential .............................. 129

Slime Molds Pose Little Threat to Grass, Gardens .............................. 129

Anthracnose Causing Problems for Cucumbers, Melons .............................. 130

For More Information .............................. 130
