Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


Date of this Version



Insect Science, Plant Disease, & Weed Science, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources 90(24) (Sept. 28, 1990)


Copyright 1990 University of Nebraska


In This Issue

Plant Disease

Scout Fields Now to Assess Stalk Rot Damage ........ 141

Wheat Fungicide Trial Examines Effect on Rust ...... 142

Turfgrass Rusts Severe This Fall .............................. 142

Get Out the Rakes to Reduce Disease Threat .......... 143

Weed Science

Control Turf Weeds with Fall Treatments .............. 143

Don't Wait Too Long to Attack Weeds in Alfalfa .. 144

Fall Control Program Best for Perennials ................ 144

Begin Treating Musk Thistle Now.......................... 144

Agricultural Engineering

Drying Times When Using Natural Air Drying .......... 145

Insect Science

1990 Corn Rootworm Insecticide Evaluations ............ 146

For More Information ................................................ 146

Plan for Control of Lacebugs and Psyllids .................. 147

Environmental Programs

Pesticide Development Costs Millions ...................... 147

Dates Set for 1991 Pesticide Certification .................. 148
