Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


Date of this Version



Insect Science, Plant Disease, & Weed Science, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources 91(10) (May 24,1991)


Copyright 1991 University of Nebraska


In this issue

Insect Science

Corn, sorghum pests move into southern Nebraska ……………….. 55

Cutworms ……………….. 55

Greenbugs ……………….. 55

Be alert to bean leaf beetles in soybeans ……………….. 56

Furadan 15G uses cut ……………….. 56

Plant Disease

Powdery mildew coming on strong in wheat ……………….. 57

Turf also showing the effects of powdery mildew ……………….. 57

Coziahr to leave Plant Disease Clinic ……………….. 57

EBDC fungicide update ……………….. 58

Federal tests indicate most foods free of pesticides ……………….. 58

Weed Science

Options cited for postemergence broadleaf control ……………….. 58

Accent and Beacon prevail over shattercane ……………….. 59

HI-DEP used for broadleaf weeds ……………….. 59

When banding herbicides: Remove center nozzle to avoid crop injury ……………….. 60
