Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of
Date of this Version
Insect Science, Plant Disease, & Weed Science, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources 91(12) (June 14, 1991)
In this issue
Plant Disease
Wheat scab found in central Nebraska disease survey …………..67
Leaf spot on sugar beets …………..67
Small grain disease update………….. 68
Wettable powder Benlate now available …………..68
Corn anthracnose leaf symptoms reported in Iowa …………..69
Insect Science
First generation European corn borers: When is treatment necessary …………..69
Management worksheet …………..70
Wait to re-enter after insecticides …………..71
Pesky moths return………….. 71
Grasshopper deadline near …………..71
ECB software training available …………..71
Weed Science
Consider whole field when choosing herbicide………….. 72
Replant options for corn, sorghum………….. 72
Copyright 1991 University of Nebraska