Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute
Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute: Faculty Publications
Water-energy-food linkages in community smallholder irrigation schemes: Center pivot irrigation in Rwanda, Ankit Chandra, Derek M. Heeren, Lameck O. Odhiambo, and N. Brozovic
The Association between Drought Exposure and Respiratory-Related Mortality in the United States from 2000 to 2018, Yeongjin Gwon, Yuanyuan Ji, Jesse E. Bell, Azar M. Abadi, Jesse D. Berman, Austin Rau, Ronald D. Leeper, and Jared Rennie
Labile carbon and soil texture control nitrogen transformation in deep vadose zone, Lidong Li, Jordan Shields, Daniel D. Snow, Michael Kaiser, and Arindam Malakar
Dual Activation of Peroxymonosulfate Using MnFe2O4/g‑C3N4 and Visible Light for the Efficient Degradation of Steroid Hormones: Performance, Mechanisms, and Environmental Impacts, Kitipong Poomipuen, Chainarong Sakulthaew, Chanat Chokejaroenrat, Athaphon Angkaew, Kanidrawee Techauay, Thapanee Poompoung, Kanokwan Teingtham, Piyaporn Phansak, Piyangkun Lueangjaroenkit, and Daniel D. Snow
Role of social determinants of health in differential respiratory exposure and health outcomes among children, Jagadeesh Puvvula, Jill A. Poole, Yeongjin Gwon, Eleanor G. Rogan, and Jesse E. Bell
Downstream hydrochemistry and irrigation water quality of the Syr Darya, Aral Sea Basin, South Kazakhstan, Bagdat Satybaldiyev, Baimurat Ismailov, Nurbek Nurpeisov, Kairat Kenges, Daniel D. Snow, Arindam Malakar, Omirzhan Taukebayev, and Bolat Uralbekov
Does drought stress eliminate the benefit of elevated CO2,/sub> on soybean yield? Using an improved model to link crop and soil water relations, Wenguang Sun, David Fleisher, Dennis Timlin, Chittaranjan Ray, Zhuangji Wang, Sahila Beegum, and Vangimalla Reddy
Nitrate-Stimulated Release of Naturally Occurring Sedimentary Uranium, Jeffrey Westrop, Pooja Yadav, PJ Nolan, Kate M. Campbell, Rajesh Singh, Sharon E. Bone, Alicia H. Chan, Anthony Kohtz, Donald Pan, Olivia Healy, John R. Bargar, Daniel D. Snow, and Karrie A. Weber
Globally Scalable Approach to Estimate Net Ecosystem Exchange Based on Remote Sensing, Meteorological Data, and Direct Measurements of Eddy Covariance Sites, Ruslan Zhuravlev, Andrey Dara, André Luís Diniz dos Santos, Oleg Demidov, and George Burba
Pan-Arctic soil moisture control on tundra carbon sequestration and plant productivity, Donatella Zona, Peter M. Lafleur, Koen Hufkens, Beniamino Gioli, Barbara Bailey, George Burba, Eugénie S. Euskirchen, Jennifer D. Watts, Kyle A. Arndt, Mary Farina, John S. Kimball, Martin Heimann, Mathias Göckede, Martijn Pallandt, Torben R. Christensen, Mikhail Mastepanov, Efrén López-Blanco, Albertus J. Dolman, Roisin Commane, Charles E. Miller, Josh Hashemi, Lars Kutzbach, David Holl, Julia Boike, Christian Wille, Torsten Sachs, Aram Kalhori, Elyn R. Humphreys, Oliver Sonnentag, Gesa Meyer, Gabriel H. Gosselin, Philip Marsh, and Walter C. Oechel
Ferrihydrite enrichment in the rhizosphere of unsaturated soil improves nutrient retention while limiting arsenic and uranium plant uptake, Arindam Malakar, Daniel D. Snow, Michael Kaiser, Jordan Shields, Bijesh Maharjan, Harkamal Walia, Daran Rudnick, and Chittaranjan Ray
Permafrost Landscape History Shapes Fluvial Chemistry, Ecosystem Carbon Balance, and Potential Trajectories of Future Change, Scott Zolkos, Suzanne E. Tank, Steven V. Kokelj, Robert G. Striegl, Sarah Shakil, Carolina Voigt, Oliver Sonnentag, William L. Quinton, Edward A.G. Schuur, Donatella Zona, Peter M. Lafleur, Ryan C. Sullivan, Masahito Ueyama, David Billesbach, David Cook, Elyn R. Humphreys, and Philip Marsh
Earlier snowmelt may lead to late season declines in plant productivity and carbon sequestration in Arctic tundra ecosystems, Donatella Zona, Peter M. Lafleur, Koen Hufkens, Barbara Bailey, Beniamino Gioli, George Burba, Jordan P. Goodrich, Anna K. Liljedahl, Eugénie S. Euskirchen, Jennifer D. Watts, Mary Farina, John S. Kimball, Martin Heimann, Mathias Göckede, Martijn Pallandt, Torben R. Christensen, Mikhail Mastepanov, Efrén López-Blanco, Marcin Jackowicz-Korczynski, Albertus J. Dolman, Luca Belelli Marchesini, Roisin Commane, Steven C. Wofsy, Charles E. Miller, David A. Lipson, Josh Hashemi, Kyle A. Arndt, Lars Kutzbach, David Holl, Julia Boike, Christian Wille, Torsten Sachs, Aram Kalhori, and Xia Song
Surveillance of plasticizers, bisphenol A, steroids and caffeine in surface water of River Ganga and Sundarban wetland along the Bay of Bengal: occurrence, sources, estrogenicity screening and ecotoxicological risk assessment, Paromita Chakraborty, Nancy W. Shappell, Moitraiyee Mukhopadhyay, Sathaporn Onanong, and Daniel D. Snow
Recharge assessment in the context of expanding agricultural activity: Urucuia Aquifer System, western State of Bahia, Brazil, Glauco Z.S. Eger, Gerson C. Silva Junior, Eduardo A.G. Marques, Bernardo R.C. Leão, Diana G.T.B. da Rocha, Troy E. Gilmore, Luís G.H. do Amaral, Juremá A.O. Silva, and Christopher Neale
Moving beyond ‘more crop per drop’: insights from two decades of research on agricultural water productivity, Meredith Giordano, Susanne M. Scheierling, David O. Tréguer, Hugh Turral, and Peter G. McCornick
Biotransformation of doxycycline by Brevundimonas naejangsanensis and Sphingobacterium mizutaii strains, Ting He, Jianguo Bao, Yifei Leng, Daniel D. Snow, Shuqiong Kong, Tong Wang, and Xu Li
Nanomaterials in the environment, human exposure pathway, and health effects: A review, Arindam Malakar, Sushil R. Kanel, Chittaranjan Ray, Daniel D. Snow, and Mallikarjuna N. Nadagouda
Occurrence of arsenite in surface and groundwater associated with a perennial stream located in Western Nebraska, USA, Arindam Malakar, Rajesh Singh, Jeffrey Westrop, Karrie A. Weber, Christopher N. Elofson, Manish Kumar, and Daniel D. Snow
Baseflow nitrate dynamics within nested watersheds of an agricultural stream in Nebraska, USA, Galen Richards, Troy E. Gilmore, Aaron R. Mittelstet, Tiffany Messer, and Daniel D. Snow
Pesticide occurrence and persistence entering recreational lakes in watersheds of varying land uses, Jessica Satiroff, Tiffany Messer, Aaron R. Mittelstet, and Daniel D. Snow
Inter-relationships between water depletion and temperature differential in row crop canopies in a sub-humid climate, Jasreman Singh, Yufeng Ge, Derek M. Heeren, Elizabeth Walter-Shea, Christopher M.U. Neale, Suat Irmak, Wayne Woldt, Geng Bai, Sandeep Bhatti, and Mitchell S. Maguire
Impact of maize hybrid selection on water productivity under deficit irrigation in semiarid western Nebraska, Strahinja Stepanovic, Daran Rudnick, and Greg R. Kruger
Transmission Routes of the Microbiome and Resistome from Manure to Soil and Lettuce, Yuepeng Sun, Daniel D. Snow, Harkamal Walia, and Xu Li
Calibration of a common shortwave multispectral camera system for quantitative agricultural applications, J. Burdette Barker, Wayne Woldt, Brian Wardlow, Christopher Michael Usher Neale, Mitchell S. Maguire, Bryan Leavitt, and Derek M. Heeren
Engaging Farmers and the Agriculture Industry Through the Testing Agricultural Performance Solutions Program, Charles A. Burr, Daran Rudnick, Matt Stockton, Robert Tigner, and Krystle Rhoades
A Decade of Unmanned Aerial Systems in Irrigated Agriculture in the Western U.S., Jose L. Chavez, Alfonso F. Torres-Rua, Wayne E. Woldt, Huihui Zhang, Christopher Robertson, Gary W. Marek, Dong Wang, Derek M. Heeren, Saleh Taghvaeian, and Christopher M. U. Neale
Satellite-Based Monitoring of Irrigation Water Use: Assessing Measurement Errors and Their Implications for Agricultural Water Management Policy, T. Foster, Taro Mieno, and Nicholas Brozovic
Effects of Surface Heterogeneity Due to Drip Irrigation on Scintillometer Estimates of Sensible, Latent Heat Fluxes and Evapotranspiration over Vineyards, Hatim M. E. Geli, José González-Piqueras, Christopher M. U. Neale, Claudio Balbontín, Isidro Campos, and Alfonso Calera
Integration of sodium hypochlorite pretreatment with co-immobilized microalgae/bacteria treatment of meat processing wastewater, Xinjuan Hu, Yulie Meneses, and Ashraf Aly Hassan
Sediment Outflow under Simulated Rainfall Conditions with Varying Geotechnical Properties, Pranjay Joshi, Akhilesh Kumar, P. V. Singh, and Jahangeer Jahangeer
Risk and Cost Assessment of Nitrate Contamination in Domestic Wells, Pongpun Juntakut, Erin M.K. Haacker, Daniel D. Snow, and Chittaranjan Ray
Assessment of an Automated Calibration of the SEBAL Algorithm to Estimate Dry-Season Surface-Energy Partitioning in a Forest–Savanna Transition in Brazil, Leonardo Laipelt, Anderson Luis Ruhoff, Ayan Santos Fleischmann, Rafael Henrique Bloedow Kayser, Elisa de Mello Kich, Humberto Ribeiro da Rocha, and Christopher Michael Usher Neale
Assessment of an Automated Calibration of the SEBAL Algorithm to Estimate Dry-Season Surface-Energy Partitioning in a Forest–Savanna Transition in Brazil, Leonardo Laipelt, Anderson Luis Ruhoff, Ayan Santos Fleischmann, Rafael Henrique Bloedow Kayser, Elisa de Mello Kich, Humberto Ribeiro da Rocha, and Christopher Michael Usher Neale
Ferrihydrite Reduction Increases Arsenic and Uranium Bioavailability in Unsaturated Soil, Arindam Malakar, Michael Kaiser, Daniel D. Snow, Harkamal Walia, Banajarani Panda, and Chittaranjan Ray
Water productivity benchmarks: The case of maize and soybean in Nebraska, Mesfin Mekonnen, Arjen Y. Hoekstra, Christopher Michael Usher Neale, Chittaranjan Ray, and Haishun Yang
Optimum rates of surface-applied coal char decreased soil ammonia volatilization loss, Dinesh Panday, Maysoon M. Mikha, Harold P. Collins, Virginia L. Jin, Michael Kaiser, Jennifer Cooper, Arindam Malakar, and Bijesh Maharjan
Potential of using spectral vegetation indices for corn green biomass estimation based on their relationship with the photosynthetic vegetation sub-pixel fraction, Luan Peroni Venancio, Everardo Chartuni Mantovani, Cibele Hummel do Amaral, Christopher M.U. Neale, Ivo Zution Gonçalves, Roberto Filgueiras, and Fernando Coelho Eugenio
Water scarcity and fish imperilment driven by beef production, Brian D. Richter, Dominique Bartak, Peter Caldwell, Kyle Fankel Davis, Peter Debaere, Arjen Y. Hoekstra, Tianshu Li, Landon Marston, Ryan McManamay, Mesfin Mekonnen, Benjamin L. Ruddell, Richard R. Rushforth, and Tara J. Troy
Innovative Extension Methods in the U.S. to Promote Irrigation Water Management, Daran Rudnick, Matt Stockton, Saleh Taghvaeian, Jason Warren, Michael D. Dukes, Amy Kremen, Christopher G. Henry, Jonathan Aguilar, Brenda Ortiz, Allan A. Andales, Chuck A. Burr, Xin Qiao, Wei‑zhen Liang, Steven Walthour, and Steve H. Amosson
Use of Multiple Environment Variety Trials Data to Simulate Maize Yields in the Ogallala Aquifer Region: A Two Model Approach, Vaishali Sharda, Mesfin Mekonnen, Chittaranjan Ray, and Prasanna H. Gowda
Evaluation of the Water Footprint of Beef Cattle Production in Nebraska, Tyler J. Spore, Mesfin Mekonnen, Christopher M.U. Neale, Andrea K. Watson, James C. MacDonald, and Galen E. Erickson
Treenuts and groundnuts in the EAT-Lancet reference diet: Concerns regarding sustainable water use, Davy Vanhama, Mesfin Mekonnen, and Arjen Y. Hoekstra
Arjen Y. Hoekstra 1967–2019, Davy Vanham, Mesfin Mekonnen, and Ashok K. Chapagain
Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH) – a community perspective, Günter Blöschl, Christopher M. U. Neale, and A cast of thousands
Assessing landscape scale heterogeneity in irrigation water use with remote sensing and in situ monitoring, T. Foster, I. Z. Goncalves, I. Campos, C. M.U. Neale, and N. Brozovic
Modeling irrigation behavior in groundwater systems, Timothy Foster, Nicholas Brozovic, and Adrian P. Butler
Mapping Regional Turbulent Heat Fluxes via Assimilation of MODIS Land Surface Temperature Data into an Ensemble Kalman Smoother Framework, Xinlei He, Tongren Xu, Sayed M. Bateni, Christopher M. U. Neale, Shaomin Liu, Thomas Auligne, Kaicun Wang, and Shoudong Zhu
Public Attitudes about Private Forest Management and Government Involvement in the Southeastern United States, Melissa M. Kreye, Renata Rimsaite, and Damian C. Adams
Small ruminant health intervention calendar in Ethiopia, Mesfin Mekonnen, Ayalew Assefa, Tesfalem Nane, Firdawok Ayele, Asrat Arke, Belay Elias, and Barbara Wieland
2019 Nebraska Water Productivity Report, Mesfin Mekonnen, Christopher Michael Usher Neale, Chittaranjan Ray, Galen E. Erickson, Adam Liska, Haishun Yang, Thiago L. Romanelli, and Arjen Y. Hoekstra
Water productivity in meat and milk production in the US from 1960 to 2016, Mesfin Mekonnen, C.M.U. Neale, Chittaranjan Ray, Galen E. Erickson, and Arjen Y. Hoekstra
Impact of the Application of Domestic Wastewater by Subsurface Drip Irrigation on the Soil Solution in Sugarcane Cultivation, Aline Azevedo Nazário, Ivo Zution Gonçalves, Eduardo Augusto Agnellos Barbosa, Leonardo Nazário Silva dos Santos, Daniel Rodrigues Cavalcante Feitosa, and Edson Eiji Matsura
Limits to the world’s green water resources for food, feed, fiber, timber, and bioenergy, Joep F. Schyns, Arjen Y. Hoekstra, Martijn J. Booij, Rick J. Hogeboom, and Mesfin Mekonnen
Agricultural Water Transfers in the Western United States, Richael Young and Nicholas Brozovic
High-Resolution Water Footprints of Production of the United States
The Future of Groundwater in California: Lessons in Sustainable Management from Across the West, Christina Hoffman Babbitt, Katherine E. B. Gibson, Scott Sellers, Nicholas Brozovic, Anthony Saracino, Ann Hayden, Maurice Hall, and Sandi Zellmer
Riverbank Filtration Impacts on Post Disinfection Water Quality in Small Systems—A Case Study from Auburn and Nebraska City, Nebraska, Matteo D'Alessio, Bruce Dvorak, and Chittaranjan Ray
Flow Analysis through CollectorWell Laterals: A Case Study from Sonoma County Water Agency, California, Matteo D'Alessio, John Lucio, Ernest Williams, Donald Seymour, Jay Jasperse, and Chittaranjan Ray
Energy demand and water footprint study of an agricultural machinery industry, Mantoam E,J.; Mesfin Mekonnen; and T.L. Romanelli
Water in society: An interdisciplinary course to support undergraduate students' water literacy, Cory T. Forbes, Nicholas Brozovic, Trenton E. Franz, Diane E. Lally, and Destini N. Petitt
Evaluation of the Weak Constraint Data Assimilation Approach for Estimating Turbulent Heat Fluxes at Six Sites, Xinlei He, Tongren Xu, Sayed M. Bateni, C.M.U. Neale, Thomas Auligne, Shaomin Liu, Kaicun Wang, Kebiao Mao, and Yunjun Yao
Report of community conversations about gender roles in livestock, Mamusha Lemma, Wole Kinati, Annet Mulema, Zekarias Bassa, Abiro Tigabe, Hiwot Desta, Mesfin Mekonnen, and Tadious Asfaw
Global Anthropogenic Phosphorus Loads to Freshwater and Associated Grey Water Footprints and Water Pollution Levels: A High-Resolution Global Study, Mesfin Mekonnen and Arjen Y. Hoekstra
Water, Energy, and Carbon Footprints of Bioethanol from the U.S. and Brazil, Mesfin Mekonnen, Thiago L. Romanelli, Chittaranjan Ray, Arjen Y. Hoekstra, Adam Liska, and Christopher M. U. Neale
Including Farmer Irrigation Behavior in a Sociohydrological Modeling Framework With Application in North India, Jimmy O’Keeffe, Simon Moulds, Emma Bergin, Nick Brozovic, Ana Mijic, and Wouter Buytaert
Preface: Earth Observation for Integrated Water and Basin Management: Challenges for adaptation to a changing environment, María J. Polo, Maria P. González-Dugo, and Christopher M.U. Neale
Imidacloprid Sorption and Transport in Cropland, Grass Buffer, and Riparian Buffer Soils, Laura E. Satkowski, Keith W. Goyne, Stephen H. Anderson, Robert N. Lerch, Elisabeth B. Webb, and Daniel D. Snow
Detection, Occurrence and Fate of Emerging Contaminants in Agricultural Environments, Daniel D. Snow, David A. Cassada, Saptashati Biswas, Mohammedreza Shafieifini, Xu Li, Matteo D'Alessio, Laura Carter, and J. Brett Sallach
Assessing the Feasibility of Soil Infiltration Trenches for Highway Runoff Control on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii, Martina Sobotkova, Jaromir Dusek, Ghasem Alavi, Laxman Sharma, and Chittaranjan Ray
Performance of Twelve Mass Transfer Based Reference Evapotranspiration Models under Humid Climate, Koffi Djaman, Komlan Koudahe, Mamadou Sall, Isa Kabenge, Daran Rudnick, and Suat Irkmak
Spatial and temporal variation in precipitation in Togo, Koffi Djaman, Vivek Sharma, Daran Rudnick, Komlan Koudahe, Suat Irkmak, Kokou Adambounou Amouzou, and Jean Mianikpo Sogbedji
Evaluating the impacts of farmers’ behaviors on a hypothetical agricultural water market based on double auction, Erhu Du, Ximing Cai, and Barbara Minsker
Effects of initial aquifer conditions on economic benefits from groundwater conservation, T. Foster, N. Brozovic, and A. P. Butler
AquaCrop-OS: An open source version of FAO’s crop water productivity model, T. Foster, N. Brozovic, A. P. Butler, C. M. U. Neale, D. Raes, P. Steduto, E. Fereres, and T. C. Hsiao
In-situ observation and transport modelling of arsenic in Gangetic plain, India, Pankaj Kumar Gupta, Pranjay Joshi, and Jahangeer
WATER USE IN IRRIGATED AGRICULTURE: AN APPROACH TO WATER PRODUCTIVITY IN DRIP AND SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, Fernanda Lamede Ferreira de Jesus, Jéssica Garcia Nascimento, Rubens Duarte Coelho, Sergio Nascimento Duarte, and Fernando Campos Mendonça
Trend Analysis in Rainfall, Reference Evapotranspiration and Aridity Index in Southern Senegal: Adaptation to the Vulnerability of Rainfed Rice Cultivation to Climate Change, Komlan Koudahe, Koffi Djaman, Ansoumana Bodian, Suat Irkmak, Mamadou Sall, Lamine Diop, Alpha B. Balde, and Daran Rudnick
Influence of internal variability on population exposure to hydroclimatic changes, Justin S. Mankin, Daniel Viviroli, Mesfin Mekonnen, Arjen Y. Hoekstra, Radley M. Horton, Jason E. Smerdon, and Noah S. Diffenbaugh
Pathways to Increasing Farmer-led Investments in Sustainable Agricultural Water Management in sub-Saharan Africa, Douglas J. Merrey, Peter G. McCornick, and Molly C. Nance
PAID TO PUMP: How a tax credit could discourage conservation of the High Plains Aquifer, S. Polzkill,; A. Stejskal; H. Wilke; Anna Wistrom; Katherine E. B. Gibson; Mindy J. Spiehs; and Nicholas Brozovic
Loss of Buffer Value Due To Aquifer Depletion: The Case of High Plains Aquifer, Mani Rouhi Rad, Timothy Foster, and Nicholas Brozovic
Physical water scarcity metrics for monitoring progress towards SDG target 6.4: An evaluation of indicator 6.4.2 “Level of water stress”, D. Vanhama, A. Y. Hoekstra, Y. Wada, F. Bouraoui, A. de Roo, Mesfin Mekonnen, W. J. van de Bund, O. Batelaan, P. Pavelic, W. G.M. Bastiaanssen, M. Kummu, J. Rockström, J. Liu, B. Bisselink, P. Ronco, A. Pistocchi, and G. Bidoglio
Modeling of Soybean under Present and Future Climates in Mozambique, Manuel António Dina Talacuece, Flávio Barbosa Justino, Rafael de Ávila Rodrigues, Milton Edgar Pereira Flores, Jéssica Garcia Nascimento, and Eduardo Eduardo Santos
Demonstration and Evaluation of Dual Purpose Chicken “Potchefstroom Koekoek” Packages at Areka areas, SNNPR, Ethiopia, Aman Getiso, Melese Yilma, Mesfin Mekonnen, Addisu Jimma, Mebratu Asrat, Asrat Tera, and Endrias Dako
A Compact to Revitalise Large-Scale Irrigation Systems Using a Leadership-Partnership-Ownership 'Theory of Change', Bruce Lankford, Ian Makin, Nathanial Matthews, Peter G. McCornick, Andrew Noble, and Tushaar Shah
Four billion people facing severe water scarcity, Mesfin Mekonnen and Arjen Y. Hoekstra
Anthropogenic Nitrogen and Phosphorus Emissions and Related Grey Water Footprints Caused by EU-271s Crop Production and Consumption, Mesfin Mekonnen, Stephan Lutter, and Aldo Martinez
Controlling Groundwater Exploitation Through Economic Instruments: Current Practices, Challenges and Innovative Approaches, Marielle Montginoul, Jean-Daniel Rinaudo, N. Brozovic, and G. Donoso
Hydrothermal monitoring in Yellowstone National Park using airborne thermal infrared remote sensing, C. M. U. Neale, C. Jaworowski, H. Heasler, S. Sivarajan, and A. Masih
Estimating Evapotranspiration of an Apple Orchard Using a Remote Sensing-Based Soil Water Balance, Magali Odi-Lara, Isidro Campos, C.M.U. Neale, Samuel Ortega-Farías, Carlos Poblete-Echeverria, Claudio Balbontín, and Alfonso Calera
The use of semi-structured interviews for the characterisation of farmer irrigation practices, Jimmy O’Keeffe, Wouter Buytaert, Ana Mijic, N. Brozovic, and Rajiv Sinha
Mapping evapotranspiration with high-resolution aircraft imagery over vineyards using one- and two-source modeling schemes, Ting Xia, William P. Kustas, Martha C. Anderson, Joseph G. Alfieri, Feng Gao, Lynn McKee, John H. Prueger, Hatim M.E. Geli, C.M.U. Neale, Luis Sanchez, Maria Mar Alsina, and Zhongjing Wang
Benchmark levels for the consumptive water footprint of crop production for different environmental conditions: a case study for winter wheat in China, La Zhuo, Mesfin Mekonnen, and Arjen Y. Hoekstra
Nebraska’s Natural Resources Districts: An Assessment of a Large-Scale Locally Controlled Water Governance Framework, Ann Bleed and Christina Hoffman Babbitt
Assessment of Village Chicken Production Systems in Kambata Tambaro and Wolaita Zones, SNNPR, Ethiopia, Aman Getiso, Fitsum Tessema, Mesfin Mekonnen, Addisu Jimma, and Bereket Zeleke
Demonstration of a Daily High-Resolution (375-m) ALEXI Evapotranspiration Product for the NENA Region, Christopher Hain, Martha C. Anderson, Mitch Schull, and Christopher M.U. Neale
Sustainability, Efficiency and Equitability of Water Consumption and Pollution in Latin America and the Caribbean, Mesfin Mekonnen, Markus Pahlow, Maite M. Aldaya, and Erika Zarate
Nephrotoxic Contaminants in Drinking Water and Urine, and Chronic Kidney Disease in Rural Sri Lanka, Tewodros Rango, Marc Jeuland, Herath Manthrithilake, and Peter G. McCornick
Yield gap analysis of field crops: Methods and case studies, V. O. Sadras, Kenneth Cassman, Patricio Grassini, W. G.M. Bastiaanssen, A. G. Laborte, A. E. Milne, G. Sileshi, and P. Steduto