Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute
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Growing world, growing challenges -- We’re going to need a bigger table. We’ll have 200,000 more people at the global dinner table tonight than were there last night. By 2050, we’ll have nearly 10 billion people to feed. And, our population is not only growing, it’s growing wealthier. As more people move out of extreme poverty, there will be mounting demand for a wider range of foods, including meat and dairy products. Increasing populations and urbanization will require more water for human and environmental uses.
sure a food and water secure world: helping farmers everywhere increase production while using water more effectively, contributing scientific and policy research that informs decision-making and educating future leaders. Success is measured through changes in knowledge (e.g. as a result of research results shared at conferences or other engagement activities), action (e.g. changes in policies or practices that result from knowledge gained), and condition (e.g. improvements in water and food security that result from actions taken). Following the objectives and benchmarks set in its five-year strategic plan, the institute has a strong foundation and clear direction for achieving results. From research projects literally in the soil, to satellite moisture sensor technology in space, from policy development in community meetings, to education shared through the Water for Food Global Conferences, the institute is producing results that matter — increasing food security with less stress on scarce water resources. Like millions of families around the globe, we want to put dinner on the table … for everyone.
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