Women's and Gender Studies Program


Date of this Version

Spring 2001


Women's Studies University of Nebraska-Lincoln NEWSLETTER SPRING 2001


Used by permission.


Throughout the pages of this newsletter you' II see the evidence of our program's vitality in this 25'11 Anniversary year. One of the privileges of being the Director of Women's Studies comes from observing the outstanding work of our students and faculty and participating in the events that extend the Program into the university and surrounding communities. This includes seeing three Women's Studies majors on the Dean's List for their outstanding academic achievement: Kris Gandara, Cherisa Price, and Dan Titus; The Women's Studies Association production of The Vagina Monologues; our collaboration with other programs and departments in cosponsoring outstanding visiting scholars and writers like Toi Derricotte, Susan Socolow, C. S'thembile West, and Marta Wayne.
