Women's and Gender Studies Program


Date of this Version

Spring 1982


Used by permission.


In the last ten years 350 Women's Studies programs were established across the country. Their common aims tend to cover the following

  1. To include the achievements and expenses of women traditionally neglected in the teaching of the widest possible range of subjects from English and Philosophy to Mathematics and Biology.
  2. To integrate women's studies into the curriculum throughout the university system, what is being popularly referred to as "humanizing the current curriculum."
  3. To increase Women's Studies faculty in areas not currently represented, such as the sciences architecture, and music.
  4. To strengthen the Women's Studies program in such a way that important traditional courses are added to the curriculum and, at the same time, courses which include subjects historically neglected. A course on the history of Mexican Woman and an anthropology course which focuses on a biocultural perspective on la Chicana are currently being considered by two recent program members
  5. .5) Perhaps most importantly, the Women's Studies program continues to affirm the commitment to the struggle against all forms of discrimination inside and outside the academic community and to incorporate feminist philosophy into the classroom. This includes such things as a cooperative approach (to the learning process) between student and teacher, one which is attentive to the authority role traditionally assumed by instruct6rs. It also includes operating from an anti-sexist perspective and being sensitive to issues involving race, class, and lesbianism.

At UNL, the Women's Studies program is a multidisciplinary academic program with courses in such areas as history, psychology, sociology, political science, philosophy~ and literature. And our list of instructors withing the Women's Studies program is as varied as the classes offered are.
