Women's and Gender Studies Program



Date of this Version

Spring 2018


Women's and Gender Studies. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Spring 2018 Newsletter.


Used by permission.


On Friday, March 9, the Women’s & Gender Studies Program at the University of Nebraska at Omaha hosted the annual No Limits Student Research Conference. This year’s conference featured Dr. Beverly Guy-Sheftall (pictured below), founding director of the Women’s Research and Resource Center and the Anna Julia Cooper Professor of Women’s Studies at Spelman College. Dr. Guy-Sheftall’s talk was “Gender and Activism in These Times.”

In all, 40 students presented their work at the conference. In addition to UNO, UNL, and UNK, students and faculty came from Hastings College, the University of Denver, Kansas State University, the University of Oklahoma, University of South Dakota, University of Tulsa, and University of Punjab to participate in the conference. Seven graduate and undergraduate students from UNL shared their research. The students that represented UNL were: Julie Asbury, Sarah Rakes, Maricela Galdamez, Emma Salisbury, Rae Thomas, Stephanie Cerrato-Rodriguez, and Jessica Bartok. Thank you to all who attended!
