Women's and Gender Studies Program



Date of this Version

Spring 2015


Women's and Gender Studies. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Spring 2015 Newsletter


Used by permission.


On Friday, March 13, many UNL students and faculty members attended the No Limits 2015 conference hosted by the University of Nebraska-Omaha. The conference’s theme was “Talking Leadership” and it featured keynote speaker Dr. Mary S. Hartman, the Founding Director & Senior Scholar at the Institute for Women’s Leadership at Rutgers University. Dr. Hartman discussed several issues that women who take on leadership roles currently face but ended by highlighting the silver linings that can solve these problems. One key element of her talk was inclusion and how the increasing involvement of diverse populations and men help create a culture where women can take on leadership roles.

Nineteen UNL students presented at the conference on a wide variety of topics, from getting men involved in gender issues on campus to understanding the sex industry in India. No Limits 2015 not only offered all these students a chance to showcase their work but to network and collaborate with other Nebraskan students involved in women’s and gender studies.
