"Space, Region & Society: Geographical Essays in Honor of Robert H. Sto" by Michael R. Hill, Carl Ritter et al.



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As an expression of their friendship and esteem, the authors dedicate these essays to Robert H. Stoddard in honor of his many years of exemplary service to the people of Nebraska, the World, and the discipline of Geography. After earning the BA at Nebraska Wesleyan (1950), an MA at the University of Nebraska (1960), and the PhD at the University of Iowa (1966), Dr. Stoddard taught for some forty combined years at Nebraska Wesleyan University (1961-67) and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (1967 to the present, where he is now Professor Emeritus). He also taught high school in India (1952-57), and was Visiting Professor at Tribhuvan University in Kathmandu, Nepal (1975-76), and the University of Columbo in Sri Lanka (1986). In addition to much productive research, many scholarly publications (notably Field Techniques and Research Methods in Geography, 1982), and unstinting university service, he also served his local community as a member of the Lincoln-Lancaster Planning Commission (1974-78). In 1992, the National Council for Geographic Education bestowed on him its Distinguished Teaching Achievement Award. Essays or chapters have been contributed by Michael R. Hill, Carl Ritter, Nainie Lenora Robertson Stoddard, Thomas Doering, Steve Kale, Carolyn V. Prorok, and Surinder M. Bhardwaj. The book includes Dr. Stoddard’s essay “Regionalization and Regionalism in Sri Lanka,” as well as a bibliography of his writings and professional papers, a chronology of publications and papers presented, and a list of dissertations and thesis supervised.



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Zea Books


Lincoln, Nebraska




Geography | Human Geography | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Copyright (c) 2016 Michael R. Hill

Space, Region & Society: Geographical Essays in Honor of Robert H. Stoddard
