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Catalogue for the Sheldon Museum of Art’s exhibition “Strange Bodies: Hybrid, Text, and the Human Form," selected and curated by Professor Alison Stewart’s “History of Prints: New Media of the Renaissance” class during the fall semester of 2016 in the School of Art, Art History, & Design at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Each of the eleven prints offers a different understanding or take on the body. Some are grounded in the physical and social aspects of humanity, while others present the body as a site for fantastic imagination and performance. Still others reference the printed page as a “body.” Whether fish, fowl, or human, the body as seen in these prints continues to intrigue us across the centuries and show that even though times change, people and their concerns do not.
With contributions from John-David Richardson, Grant Potter, Grace Short, Taylor Wismer, Stephanie Wright, Claire Kilgore, Nikita Lenzo, Bryon Hartley, Ian Karss, Danley Walkington, and Taylor Stobbe.
isbn 978-1-60962-107-0
Publication Date
Zea Books
Lincoln, Nebraska
art, art history, prints, renaissance, Durer
Art and Design | Arts and Humanities | Book and Paper | Graphic Design | Illustration | Printmaking
Recommended Citation
Stewart, Alison G. , editor, "Strange Bodies: Hybrid, Text, and the Human Form. Prints from the Sheldon Museum of Art" (2016). Zea E-Books Collection. 51.

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Book and Paper Commons, Graphic Design Commons, Illustration Commons, Printmaking Commons
Copyright 2016 Sheldon Museum of Art