"l'amour" by Fleur d’Araignée Publishing Co.



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A compilation of short fiction from Dr. Bev’s ‘Introduction to English Studies’

Throughout history, humankind has gathered together collections of beautiful things, ranging from bottle-caps to coins to seashells or even flowers. No matter the season, humans have devoted hours of their time to admire and share the world’s beauty with those around them. These relationships then become their own collections of the beautiful, friends and family gathering together to appreciate that which they find most lovely, spanning across distance, hardship, and time. Today, we continue to admire the world’s beauty and cherish the love we find there. The word we know today as “anthology” is derived from the Greek word “anthologia,” meaning collection of flowers. We at Fleur d’Araignée Publishing Co. gathered our beautiful flowers, short stories written by students between the years of 2015 and 2017, and tied them together with love, for you.

Sarah Guyer, acquisitions editor / Brianna Hoyt, copy editor / Callie Ivey, marketing director, managing editor / Kaylen Michaelis, copy editor / Caroline Nebel, copy editor / Alexis Stoffers, design director / Cover art created by Maddie Hakinson


ISBN 978-1-60962-172-8

Publication Date



Zea Books


Lincoln, Nebraska


love, fiction, stories, Beverly Rillet


Arts and Humanities | Creative Writing | Fiction


Copyright © 2020 Fleur d’Araignée Publishing Co. All publication rights are reserved by the publishing team of Fleur d’Araignée Publishing Co. Reproduction of this publication, in whole or in part, is restricted without express permission from the publishers or their representative, Dr. Beverley Rilett, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, brilett2@unl.edu


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