Agricultural Economics Department


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Cornhusker Economics (March 3, 2023)

Agricultural Economics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

BBR CAM Research Team: Craig Allen (project lead), Kyle Martens (project coordinator), Ryan Benjamin, Katia Carranza, Hannah Greenwell, Jay Jenkins, Gwendwr Meredith, Jessica Milby, Jay Parsons, Walt Schacht, Nolan Sipe, Mitch Stephenson, Dan Uden, and Jerry Volesky.


In 2020, the University of Nebraska's Barta Brothers Ranch (BBR) launched a collaborative adaptive management ( CAM) project to address risks and uncertainties related to grassland management in the Sandhills. The project brings together UNL faculty engaged in research, extension and teaching across multiple disciples, departments and geographic locations. All three Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (IANR) District Research, Extension, and Education Centers are involved the project (Eastern Nebraska, Panhandle, and West Central) along with three East Campus based centers: the Center for Grassland Studies, the Center for Resilience in Agricultural Working Landscapes, and the Center for Agricultural Profitability housed in the Department of Agricultural Economics.

The project, which receives funding support from the Nebraska Environmental Trust and the North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education grant programs, focuses on evaluating stakeholder-designed management plans implemented on the Barta Brothers Ranch in a collaborative research setting. This emphasis on co-producing science ensures CAM reflects real-world ranching conditions of the Sandhills and the north-central Great Plains.
