Agricultural Economics Department
Cornhusker Economics
The Employer/Employee Relationship: It’s More Than Just Hiring, Cheryl A. Burkhart-Kriesel
Consumer Acceptance of Gene-Edited Food: The Role of Knowledge, Trust, and Information, Anubrata Deka, Syed Imran Ali Meerza, and Amalia Yiannaka
Understanding Market Outlooks, Elliott James Dennis
2025 Nebraska Farmland Values and Cash Rental Rates, Jim Jansen
Nebraska Crop Budgets Updated for 2025, Glennis McClure
Reconciling the Paradox of Positive Profit and Negative Cash Flow, Timothy Meyer
Be Aware of Basis Volatility When Using Price Risk Management for Calves and Feeder Cattle, Jay Parsons and Aaron Berger
Nebraska Beef Cow Breeding Herd as Capital Stock, Richard Perrin, Margarida Noelia de Aguiar Cunha Souza, and Lilyan E. Fulginiti
Agri-Technology Transforming Farms and Ranches across Nebraska, Shannon Sand
Community-centered Climate Resilience Strategies for Agriculture in Chile's Los Lagos, Asa B. Stone, Cristián Kremer F., and Mark C. Stone
Climate Smart Agriculture, J. David Aiken
Small Beef-Packer Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence and Policy Implications, Azzeddine Azzam, Sunil P. Dhoubadel, and Binod Khanal
Financial Analysis, Tina N. Barrett
2022 Census of Agriculture: Nebraska Highlights, Kathleen Brooks and Bradley D. Lubben
Increasing Workforce Skills: The Possible Disconnect between Employers and Potential Job Seekers, Cheryl A. Burkhart-Kriesel
Why Is Workforce Development Such a Big Deal Now?, Cheryl A. Burkhart-Kriesel
How Much Green to Keep the Garden Clean? An Analysis of the Willingness to Pay (WTP) of Home Gardeners for BioWRAP Technology, Gengchen Cai, Kanji Fatema, and Karina A. Schoengold
Nebraska Women in Agriculture Conference Marks 39 Years, Ryan Evans, Sarah Treffer, and Jessica Groskopf
Conservation Decision Making and Agricultural Land Leasing - An Experimental Investigation of the Role of Gender, Diya Ganguly, Simanti Banerjee, and Christopher Gustafson
Ideas For Estate and Transition Planning: Gifting Ownership, Jessica Groskopf
Information About Honey Fraud: Implications of Information Choice for Consumer Behavior, Christopher R. Gustafson
2024 Nebraska Farmland Values and Cash Rental Rates, Jim Jansen and Jeffrey Stokes
Cover Crop Utilization across Nebraska and Implications for Cropland Lease Arrangements in 2024, Jim Jansen and Jeffrey Stokes
The North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center, Part II: Activities and Success Stories, Sheila Aikanathan Johnson, Christine Lockert, and Bradley D. Lubben
North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center Helps Producers Manage Risks, Christine Lockert, Sheila Aikanathan Johnson, and Bradley D. Lubben
Program Requirements for Beef Cattle Certified as USDA Organic, Carsten Loseke and Elliott James Dennis
The North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center, Part III: Outcomes and Impacts, Bradley D. Lubben, Christine Lockert, Sheila Aikanathan Johnson, and Milan Chauhan
Community and Regional Economic Analysis: Unveiling Economic Dynamics with the Location Quotient Method and Beyond, Daniela M. Mattos
The Growth of Ethanol in Brazil: Sugarcane, Corn, and a Few Other Things, Fabio Mattos
Trucks, Trains, and Barges: For Brazilian Soybeans, It’s Not Your Grandpa’s Infrastructure Anymore, Fabio Mattos
2024 Nebraska Agricultural Custom Rates with Statewide Survey Summary, Glennis McClure
Slight Cost of Production Changes Noted in the 2024 Nebraska Crop Enterprise Budgets, Glennis McMclure
How to Communicate Your Estate Plan to Family When Dividing Assets Unequally, Anastasia Meyer
Sunsetting Tax Provisions: Is Your Estate Plan Affected?, Anastasia Meyer and Glennis McClure
Embracing Diversity in Agricultural Economics, Timothy Meyer
Why Tariffs Are a Tax on American Consumers, Timothy Meyer
Predicting Sedentarism and Its Impact on Caloric Requirements, Jacob Michels and John C. Beghin
Learning about Optimal Corn Seed Rate Management Via On-farm Experimentation: Are Farmers Over-planting?, Taro Mieno, Jaeseok Hwang, and David S. Bullock
Annual Forage Insurance Program Performance, Jay Parsons
Value of Gain in the Lamb Feeding Industry, Jay Parsons
Will SAF Turbocharge the Corn Ethanol Market?, Richard K. Perrin, Lilyan E. Fulginiti, and Felipe Miranda de Souza Almeida
Are Too Many or Too Few Babies Being Born?, E. Wesley F. Peterson
The Costs of Ecosystem Disturbances, E. Wesley F. Peterson
Violent Conflict Drives World Hunger and Food Insecurity, E. Wesley F. Peterson
The Economics of the ‘Buy Local’ Trend, Susweta Ray and Konstantinos Giannakas
Place Branding: More than Just a Logo, Marilyn R. Schlake
From Australia to Nebraska: Researching Social Value, Marilyn R. Schlake, Cheryl A. Burkhart-Kriesel, Jean Ann Fischer, Michelle Krehbiel, and Randy Saner
Working Capital and Cash Flow Tools to Improve Farm Business Performance, Matthew Stockton
Buying Revenue Protection (RP) Versus Buying the RP with Harvest Price Exclusion (RPHPE) Version of Multi-Peril Crop Insurance, Matthew Stockton and Shannon Sand
Farmland Valuation: Understanding Income Capitalization and Cap Rates, Jeffrey Stokes and Jim Jansen
Your SCO/ECO Policy Under the Hood: What County Yield is the RMA Using?, Cory Walters, Ken Harrison, and Connor Whalen
2023 Ag Law Legislative Update, J. David Aiken
The History of Emission Trading Programs and the Future of Agricultural Sequestration Carbon Offsets, J. David Aiken
Things to Consider Before Co-Signing a Loan, J. David Aiken
Assessing Determinants of Participation in Conservation Programs in the U.S., Manita Ale, Simanti Banerjee, Taro Mieno, and Karina A. Schoengold
Depreciation Changes Ahead, Tina N. Barrett
Pass-Through Entity Tax Deduction, Tina N. Barrett
Utilizing Nebraska Case Farms to Analyze Farm-Level Income and Policy Changes, Tatum R. Brunkow, Bradley D. Lubben, and Glennis McMclure
Remote Work Is Not Going Away: How Can Rural Communities Take Advantage of this Opportunity?, Cheryl A. Burkhart-Kriesel
Workforce Trends to Watch in 2023, Cheryl A. Burkhart-Kriesel
Insurance, Policy, and Education for Livestock Producers, Milan Chauhan and Bradley D. Lubben
The Impact of Organized Activism on Technology Sharing, Ahmed Chennak and Amalia Yiannaka
Heifers on Feed Indicate Long-Term Liquidation Still Occurring, Elliott James Dennis
Nebraska Extension: Supporting the Well-Being of Farmers and Ranchers, Jessica Groskopf
2023 Nebraska Women in Agriculture Conference, Jessica Groskopf and Katie Hothem
Role of Social Network on Technology Adoption: Application to Nebraska Producers in the Face of Undesirable Vegetation Transitions, Sabrina Gulab, Holly K. Nesbitt, Simanti Banerjee, and Theresa Floyd
Intertemporal Preferences or (In)Attention to Future Costs: Identifying Factors Influencing Variation in Health Behaviors, Christopher Gustafson
Producer Long-term Marketing Opportunities with Ethanol Plants, Austin Harthoorn, Logan Lloyd, Cory Walters, and Kate Brooks
Carbon Farming: A Preliminary Economic Analysis of Carbon Credits for No-Till and Cover Crops, Drew Havens, Richard K. Perrin, and Lilyan E. Fulginiti
Market and Welfare Impacts of a “Portion Size Reduction” Policy, Hanin Hosni and Konstantinos Giannakas
Nebraska National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) is Back on Track, Ashton Humphreys and Rosalee A. Swartz
2023 Cash Lease Adjustments for Irrigation Equipment on Cropland Rental Arrangements in Nebraska, Jim Jansen and Jeffrey Stokes
Nebraska Farmland Values and Cash Rental Rates in 2023, Jim Jansen and Jeffrey Stokes
North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center Helps Producers Manage Risks, Christine Lockert, Sheila Aikanathan Johnson, and Bradley D. Lubben
New Foods Produced with Genome-Editing Technique in the Global Marketplace, Stéphan Marette, Anne-Célia Disdier, and John C. Beghin
Notes from the Brazilian Cornfields, Fabio Mattos
TAS Orders, Innovations and Challenges in Futures Markets, Fabio Mattos
They Shrank the Futures Contracts! Mini Futures Contracts: What They Are and How to Use Them, Fabio Mattos
2023 Nebraska Crop Production Budgets Higher Costs and Risks, Glennis McMclure
A Classical Fall Statistics Problem, Timothy Meyer
Rising Interest Rates: What They Mean for You and the Economy, Timothy Meyer
Owning Our Identity – Celebrating Cooperatives in 2023, Charlotte Narjes
Deficit Irrigation Management for Irrigated Corn in Nebraska: Economically Viable?, Lia Nogueira, Cory Walters, Emily O'Donnell, E. Wesley F. Peterson, and Suat Irmak
The Trade Impact of Economic Integration Agreements, Byungyul Park and John C. Beghin
Crop-Livestock Diversification and Efficiency in Agriculture, Jay Parsons and Maroua Afi
The Center for Agricultural Profitability Contributes to Collaborative Adaptive Management Project at the Barta Brothers Ranch, Jay Parsons, Mitchell B. Stephenson, and Kyle Martens
The Unintended Consequences of China’s One-Child Policy, E. Wesley F. Peterson
Agriculture and Community Well-Being: A review of three research studies., Marilyn R. Schlake
Rural Development Hubs, a Possibility for Nebraska?, Marilyn R. Schlake
Corn Grain Marketing Strategy Unbiasing for 2023, Matthew Stockton and Shannon Sand
Your Farm’s Financial Condition and Profitability Revisited, Matthew Stockton and Shannon Sand
Could the EPA Cause the Next Farm Financial Crisis?, Jeffrey Stokes and Jim Jansen
Will Nebraska Farms and Ranches Be Ready for Double Digit Operating Line Rates?, Jeffrey Stokes and Jim Jansen
Seasons, Stress, Salience, and Support for Cooperative Groundwater Management, Jordan Suter, Todd Guilfoos, and Karina A. Schoengold
Diesel Tractor Fuel Efficiency and Exhaust Emissions Standards, Jerin TeKolste, Cory Walters, Michael McCullough, Lynn Hamilton, Lia Nogueira, and Roger M. Hoy
Home Tap Water in Nonmetropolitan Nebraska, Rebecca J. Vogt
Recognizing Power and Control When Planning Your Estate, Allan Vyhnalek
Hedging Your Average Crop Price Using Seasonals, Cory Walters and Richard K. Preston
2022 Nebraska Ballot Issues, J. David Aiken
Drainage Law Proposal, J. David Aiken