"Nebraska’s Entrepreneur Acceleration System" by Marilyn R. Schlake

Agricultural Economics Department


Cornhusker Economics

Date of this Version


Document Type

Newsletter Issue


Cornhusker Economics (November 2011)


Published by University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension, Institute of Agriculture & Natural Resources, Department of Agricultural Economics. Copyright © [2011] Board of Regents, University of Nebraska. http://agecon.unl.edu/cornhuskereconomics


On December 8, 2011, 120 Nebraska business owners will complete their first year enrollment in the Entrepreneur Acceleration System (EAS). The program encourages the growth of a business by creating value-based relationships with customers through engaged employees, leading to economic growth and job creation. It was offered in partnership with Gallup, Inc., University of Nebraska- Lincoln Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Nebraska Department of Economic Development and the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce.

Twenty-six individuals from various Nebraska communities and business backgrounds were selected to participate in the EAS mentor training at the Gallup Campus in Omaha, in the Spring of 2011. These individuals learned how to incorporate Gallup research into small business management, using research tools and techniques that help the business owner develop their management team, motivate employees and enhance relationships with their customers. This information was then shared with businesses across Nebraska.
