Animal Science, Department of


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Harris, Marie E. 2014. Feeding condensed distillers solubles to feedlot finishing steers and the effects of feed additives in adaptation diets. M.S. Thesis.


A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Science, Major: Animal Science, Under the Supervision of Professors Matt K. Luebbe and Galen E. Erickson. Lincoln, Nebraska: August, 2014

Copyright (c) 2014 Marie Elizabeth Harris


By-products from the dry-milling ethanol process can be used in cattle diets to replace corn. There is a significant interaction between corn processing methods as CCDS concentration increases in the diet. Improvements are observed for SFC in final BW, ADG, and G:F over DRC. An experiment was conducted to determine if greater concentrations of CCDS could be fed in SFC based diets and maintain or improve performance. Performance and carcass characteristics were evaluated with increasing concentrations of CCDS at 0, 9, 18, 27, or 36% in place of SFC in feedlot finishing diets. As CCDS concentration increased, DMI decreased quadratically. Gain increased quadratically with optimum inclusion calculated at 18.2% CCDS. A quadratic improvement was observed for G:F with optimum inclusion calculation at 24.5% CCDS. These results suggest feeding corn condensed distillers solubles can be used to replace SFC in feedlot finishing diets while improving ADG and G:F.

Monensin has been fed for over 35 years to improve G:F and prevent/control coccidiosis in feedlot cattle. Two experiments were conducted to determine if a difference exists between monensin rates of 360 or 480 mg/steer daily during the adaptation period. A significant interaction between treatment and experiment was observed for interim BW, ADG, and G:F during the adaptation period. During the adaptation period, cattle fed 360 mg/steer daily had greater ADG, increased interim BW, and improved G:F compared to steers fed 480 mg daily in Exp. 2. Carcass characteristics were not affected by monensin rate. This study suggests feeding 360 versus 480 mg/steer daily of monensin during the adaption period has little impact on overall performance of the cattle. Experiment 2 data indicate that 360 mg/steer daily of monensin may be more advantageous with the steers being more efficient during the adaptation period. However, they do not maintain that efficiency through the entire finishing period.

Advisors: Matt K. Luebbe and Galen E. Erickson
