Children, Youth, Families & Schools, Nebraska Center for Research on


Date of this Version

August 2006


Sheridan, S. M., Glover, T. A., Black, K. A., Garbacz, S. A., Witte, A. L., Swanger, M. S., Johnsen, L. A., & Meints, C. A. (2006, August). CBC through a new lens: Exploring individual outcomes in groups. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA. Permission to use.


- Untreated behavior problems in elementary school students can result in a trajectory of negative life outcomes, which include more failed courses, lower grade point averages, increased absenteeism, and higher retention rates compared to other students (Wagner et al., 1993).

- Family-school partnerships and parental involvement in interventions and educational programs positively correlate with favorable outcomes for students, families, and teachers (e.g., Grolnick & Slowiaczek, 1994).

- Conjoint Behavioral Consultation (CBC; Sheridan, Kratochwill, & Bergan, 1996; Sheridan & Kratochwill, in press) maintains promise as an evidence-based model for increasing ongoing, collaborative family-school interactions (Guli, 2005).

- Conducted with parents and teachers together, as joint consultees.

- Concerns are identified, analyzed, and addressed through collaborative interactions between the consultees and guidance from a consultant.

- Modified recently to (a) provide CBC in a small, group format (i.e., the families of 2-3 students and their teacher) and (b) assure intervention implementation integrity and appropriate levels of consultant support.

- A large-scale, randomized clinical trial is being conducted to investigate the effectiveness of the modified CBC process and to expand upon the single-case experimental research on CBC as a promising, evidence-based consultation model.

- The current study investigated preliminary findings from a subset of the clinical trial.
