Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies


Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Conference Proceedings

Date of this Version


Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Third International Galliformes Symposium 2004 (April 5-10, 2004, Dehradun, India): Abstracts

Organised by World Pheasant Association with the support of the India Ministry of Environment and Forests and the British High Commission and several other collaborators


Copyright 2004, the authors of the respective abstracts. Used by permission



Strategy for Conservation of Pheasants in Himachal Pradesh, India, A. K. Gulati

An overview of Galliformes Conservation in Sikkim, India, T. R. Sharma

Distribution, status and conservation Galliformes in north east India, Anwaruddin Choudhury

Status of Galliformes in Pakistan and prioritising conservation areas, Rab Nawaz

The status and conservation needs of Nepal 's Galliformes, HemSagar Baral

Status of Galliformes in Bhutan, Rebecca Pradhan

Status and conservation of the Galliformes of Bangladesh, M. Sohrab Uddin Sarker

Galliformes of Sri Lanka: Status and conservation needs, Charles Santiapillai and S. Wijeyamchan

A strategy for the conservation of Galliformes of South Asia, Rahul Kaul

Distribution, habitat use and human impacts on Hume's pheasant in northern Thailand, Apirat Iamsiri, George Gale, Philip Round, and Wina Meckvichai

Agricultural field at the forest edge and the effect of pesticides on green peafowl at Doi Phu Nang National Park in northern Thailand, Wina Meckvichai, Sirraks Arrathrakorn, and Kobchai Worrapimphong

The status and threats to the conservation of the chestnut-headed partridge Arborophila cambodiana and other Galliformes in the Cardamom Mountains, Cambodia, Chhum Samnang, Out Sary, Stephen Browne, and Steve Holloway

Assessment of habitat management impacts on the threatened swamp francolin Francolinus gularis at Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve, Nepal, Bhagawan Raj Dahal and Philip McGowan

Current conservation status of the Nahan' s Francolin in Uganda, Richard Fuller, Claire L. Flockhart, Gil Proaktor, Richard Ssemmanda, Perpetra Akite, John M. Ofwono, and John B. Amuno

Home range and nest attendance of blood pheasant lthaginis cruentus at Lianhuashan Nature Reserve, Jia Chen-xi and Sun Ye-hua

Biological and demographic correlates of extinction risk and hunting pressure in the Galliformes, Aidan Keane

Conservation of Hainan partridge in Hainan Island, China, Liang Wei, Shi Haitao, Wang Jichao, and Wang Wenyi

Use of agricultural landscapes by Zarafshan pheasant Phasianus colchicus zerafschanicus Tarnovski, Natalya V. Marmazinskaya and Leylya E. Belyalova

Ring-necked pheasant in Uzbekistan, Natalya V. Marmazinskaya and Leylya E. Belyalova

Recent observations on the conservation status of the Congo peafowl Afropavo congensis in the Democratic Republic of Congo, E. M. Mulotwa, A I. Upoki, A. Dudu, M. Louette, and M. Merremans

A survey of Galliformes in Cat Tien National Park, Viet Nam 2000-2002, Nguyen Tran Vy and Nguyen Hoang Hao

Maleo Macrocephalon maleo nesting ground re-survey in Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Bhayu Pamungkas, Asri A. Dwiyahreni, and Nurul L. Winarni

Habitat preferences of black and grey francolin in Rakh Sardaran Game Reserve, NWFP, Pakistan, Safdar Ali Shah

Conservation status of the handsome francolin in Uganda, Richard Ssemmanda, Christine Dranzoa, Derek Pomeroy, and Richard A. Fuller

Behaviour of great argus pheasant Argusianus argus Linnaeus, 1766 in captivity, Suthida Sudhtharmvilai, Wina Meckvichai, and Narit Sitasuwan

Morphological comparison between sub-adult males and females of green peafowl Pavo muticus imperator, Thiti Sukapan and Wina Mechvichai

Breeding and Incubation of the blue-eared pheasant at Lianhuashan, Gansu, China, Sun Yue-hua, Jia Chen-xi, and Fang Yun

Observations on the grey francolin Francolinus pondicerianus ceylonensis Whistler in the vicinity of the Giant' s Tank, Sri Lanka, S. Wijeyamohan, Rajnish Vandercone, and Charles Santiapillai

Effects of for est fragmentation on Galliformes in southern Sumatra, Indonesia, Nurul L. Winarni, Anton Nurcahyo, Yok-Yok Hadiprakarsa, and M. Iqbal

Home range and habitat use by the male Reeves' pheasant Syrmaticus reevesii in Dongzhai National Nature Reserve, central China, Xu Jiliang, Zhang Zhengwang, Zhang Xiaohui, Sun Quanhui, Ruan Xiangfeng, and Zhu Jiagui

Habitat preferences and conservation of the Sichuan partridge Arborophila rufipectus, Dai Bo, Simon D. Dowell, Peter J. Garson, and He Fen-qi

New habitat of black francolin Francolinus francolinus in Bangladesh, Sohrab Uddin Sarker

2000-2004: Summary of results of five years megapode research and conservation, René W. R. J. Dekker

Non-invasive genetic methods for the study of megapodes and other Galliformes, Gillian C. baker

The secrets of success: A megapode thriving in urban environments in Australia, Darryl N. Jones

Surviving without parent: The life of megapode chicks, Ann Göth

One person's perspective on the role of parent-rearing pheasants in conservation breeding, John Corder

A mitochondrial DNA analysis of the loss of genetic diversity in captive individuals of Elliot's pheasant Syrmaticus ellioti, Ping-Ping Jiang, Ping Ding, Qiu-Lei Lang, Sheng-Guo Fang, and Li-Ming Chen

A review of the trade in pheasants in India, Dipankar Ghose, Vivek Menon, and Ashok Kumar

Mapping western tragopan Tragopan melanocephalus habitat and distribution pattern in the Palas Valley, Pakistan using landcover, terrain and field survey data, Salman Ashraf, Asim Daud, Faisal Moeen, and Rab Nawaz

Tragopans in northeast India: Prospects for their future conservation, Dipankar Ghose, Rahul Kaul, and Goutam Kumar Saha

Status and distribution of cheer pheasant Catreus wallichi in Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve, Nepal, Poorneshwor Subedi, Suresh Kumar Shresth, Hem Sagar Baral, Peter J. Garson, and K. Ramesh

Khonoma Nature Conservation and Tragopan Sanctuary: Nagaland, T. Angami

Status and distribution of cheer pheasant Catreus wallichi in Chail Wildlife Sanctuary, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India, Naim Akhtar and M. L. Narang

Breeding success and conservation of cheer pheasant in Garhwal Himalaya, M. S. Bisht, B. S. Kathiat, and Shantibushan Phurailatpam

Survey to re-locate the Critically Endangered Himalayan quail Ophrysia superciliosa in India, Gautam Das and Hilaluddin

A decade of monitoring the Western tragopan population in Palas Valley, NWFP, Pakistan, Muhammad Ayaz Khan

Conservation of pheasants in North West Frontier Province􀀮 Pakistan, Rab Nawaz

Extraction of Galliformes by some tribes in northeast India, Hilaluddin, Rahul Kaul, and Dipankar Ghosh

Seasonal variation in the Habitat use of pheasants in Kumaon Himalaya, Uttaranchal, India, Mohammad Shah Hussain, Aisha Sultana, and Jamal A. Khan

Applications of advanced statistical techniques for integrating ground based data with geographic information system for kalij pheasant Lophura leucomelanos habitat modeling in Kumaon Himalayas, India, Bilal Habib, Afifullah Khan, Arshia Quadri, and S. P. S. Kushwaha

Ecology of chukor partridge Alectoris chukar in Garhwal Himalaya, India, Manish Kukreti, Shantibushan Phurailatpam, and M. S. Bisht

Bio-accoustic analysis of alarm behaviour of some pheasants of Himachal Pradesh, India, Anil Kumar and A. K. Gulati

Conservation breeding of Western Tragopan in Himachal Pradesh, India, Lalit Mohan, Sat Pal Dhiman, and A. K. Gulati

Experiences of cheer pheasant (Catreus wallichi) rearing at Chail in Himachal Pradesh, India, A. K. Gulati, Lalit Mohan, and Sat Pal Dhiman

Research and Training Activities of the Wildlife Institute of India for the Conservation and Management of Galliformes, S. Sathya Kumar

Studies on status and ecology of cheer pheasant Catreus wallichi in Chail Wildlife Sanctuary, Himachal Pradesh, M. L. Narang, Naim Akhtar, and Manoj Kumar

Feeding biology of cheer pheasant Catreus wallichii, Shantibushan Phurailatpam, B. S. Kathait, and M. S. Bisht

Monitoring Cheer Populations in Western Himalayas: A case study at Majathal-Harsang Wildlife Sanctuary, Himachal Pradesh, India, Junid N. Shah, Rajiv S. Kalsi, Rahul Kaul, and Jamal A. Khan

Clinical manifestations and necropsy findings for mortalities among captive bread stock of pheasants in different pheasantries/nature parks of Himachal Pradesh, India S. Sood and A. K. Gulati

Retrospective and the prospects for studies on Galliformes with special reference to north India, H. S. A. Yahya and Faiza Abbasi

Abundance and habitat use of grey francolins Francolinus pondicerianus in Gursikaran Forest, Aligarh Distt. , UP, India, Faiza Abbasi and Jamal A. Khan

Impact of grazing on the Indian peafowl population Pavo cristatus in Chandraprabha Wildlife Sanctuary, UP, India, Orus Ilyas, Jamal A. Khan, Junid N. Shah, and R. K. Pandey

Population status and conservation of Indian Peafowl (Pavo cristatus) in Aligarh, northern India, Ekwal Imam

Habitat preferences of breeding grey francolins in Agricultural landscape, Rajiv Kalsi and Sarita Rana

Interspecific relationship between Himalayan snowcock Tetraogallus himalayensis and Tibetan snowcock Tetraogllus tibetanus, Liu Naifa, Huang Zuhao, and Wang Lixia

Home ranges of grey francolins Francolinus pondicerianus during their breeding season in northern India, Sarita Rana and Rajiv Kalsi

Abundance of grey junglefowl, Gallus sonneratii at Ulandy Range of Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park, Tamilnadu, South India, M. C. Sathyanarayana, Mohamed A. Jammal, and C. Subramanian

Factors affecting pheasant population in the Indo-Nepal terai region, V. P. Singh

Status and distribution of gallif ormes in some protected areas of Kargil, Jammu and Kashmir, Imtiyaz A. Lone

An Assessment of important physical traits shown by some captive red jungle fowl in India, Rahul Kaul, Junid N. Shah, and Bipul Chakrabarty

Modeling and statistic for conservation: A philosophical, pragmatic viewpoint, Michael J. Conroy

The application of camera traps to study Galliformes in southern Sumatra, Indonesia, Nurul L. Winarni, John P. Carroll, and Timothy G. O'Brien

The use of artificial nest platforms by Cabot's tragopan Tragopan caboti in southeastern China, Deng Wenhong, Zheng Guangmei, Zhang Zhengwang, Peter J. Garson, and Philip J. K. McGowan

Breeding attempts by Zarafshan pheasant Phasianus colchicus zerafschanicus Tarnovski in captivity, Leylya E. Belyalova and Natalya N. Marmazinskaya

Land management for ring-necked pheasant populations Phasianus colchicus on a modern farm in Lower Austria, Thomas H. Bliss, Brandon C. Anderson, John P. Carroll, Roger Draycott, and Karl Pock

Effects of habitat conservation efforts on northern bobwhite quail brood ecology in the U.S.A., M. Patrick Cook, John P. Carroll, David A. Butler, and Richard G. Hamrick

Variation of survival within and among northern bobwhite quail coveys in the USA, Brant Faircloth, John P. Carroll, William Palmer, and Shane Wellendorf

Use of genetic information in conservation: applying results to management, Brant Faircloth, Terry Valentine, Theron Terhune, Soo Hyung Eo, John P. Carroll, and William Palmer

Northern bobwhite quail covey-call-count indices: evaluating alternative techniques for autumn population monitoring, Richard G. Hamrick and John P. Carroll

A review of Reeves' pheasant releases in North America: Implications for re-introduction programmes, Myles M. Lamont and David L. Bender

Bird pest management with special reference to Indian blue peafowl Pavo cristatus in Tamilnadu, South India, M. C. Sathyanarayana

Conservation of Indian native breeds of chicken, D P. Singh

The semen quality of cabot's tragopan Tragopan caboti in captivity in Beijing, China, Zhang Tanyun and Zheng Guangmei

Linking pheasant conservation to livelihoods of the local communities at the Great Himalayan National Park, Sanjeeva Pandey

Species as umbrellas and indicators: Are the Galliformes useful? Peter J. Garson
