National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version

Fall 2002


Published in Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council 3:2, Fall/Winter 2002. Copyright © 2002 by the National Collegiate Honors Council.


Having participated in a university-wide initiative to learn and use WebCT, I began using it in my Honors classes last spring. This is my second year with the platform, and I’m finding it an excellent adjunct to classroom work. I use WebCT primarily to communicate with students and to post assignments and relevant websites. Students have sent me drafts of papers via the system, and I have sent back my comments in the same way. Of course, all of these exchanges may be done through regular e-mail and communications programs and more ordinary course websites; although I’ve been pleased with WebCT, I’m not touting it per se. But I am delighted with what it has enabled me to do.
