Public Policy Center, University of Nebraska
Publications of Affiliated Faculty: Nebraska Public Policy Center
Understanding Participant Representativeness in Deliberative Events: A Case Study Comparing Probability and Non-Probability Recruitment Strategies, Jamie Griffin, Tarik Abdel-Monem, Alan Tomkins, Amanda Richardson, and Stacia Jorgensen
Probabilistic forecasting and the reshaping of flood risk management, Sarah Michaels
Differences in Expert Witness Knowledge: Do Mock Jurors Notice and Does It Matter?, Caroline T. Parrott, Tess M. S. Neal, Jennifer K. Wilson, and Stanley L. Brodsky
Exploring Reactions to Hacktivism among STEM College Students: A Preliminary Model of Hacktivism Support and Resistance, Lisa M. PytlikZillig, Shiyuan Wang, Leen-Kiat Soh, Alan Tomkins, Ashok Samal, Tonya K. Bernadt, and Michael Hayes
Climate Change Survey Measures: Exploring Perceived Bias and Question Interpretation, Tarik Abdel-Monem, Lisa M. PytlikZillig, Tonya K. Bernadt, and Nicole Wall
The Verdict Is In: Judge and Administrator Perceptions of State Court Governance, Christopher D. Kimbrough, Mitchel Herian, David B. Rottman, Brian H. Bornstein, and Alan Tomkins
Women as Expert Witnesses: A Review of the Literature, Tess M. S. Neal
Assessment Practices and Expert Judgment Methods in Forensic Psychology and Psychiatry: An International Snapshot, Tess M. S. Neal and Thomas Grisso
The Cognitive Underpinnings of Bias in Forensic Mental Health Evaluations, Tess M. S. Neal and Thomas Grisso
Collaborating Across the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Defense to Integrate Mental Health and Chaplaincy Services, Jason A. Nieuwsma, George Jackson, Mark DeKraal, Denise Bulling, William C. Cantrell, Jeffrey E. Rhodes, Mark J. Bates, Keith Ethridge, Marian E. Lane, Wendy N. Tenhula, Sonja V. Batten, and Keith G. Meador
Reducing Courts’ Failure-to-Appear Rate by Written Reminders, Brian H. Bornstein, Alan Tomkins, Elizabeth Neeley, Mitchel Herian, and Joseph A. Hamm
Stress and Emotional Well-Being in Military Organizations, Peter D. Harms, Dina V. Krasikova, Adam J. Vanhove, Mitchel Norman Herian, and Paul B. Lester
Public Participation, Procedural Fairness, and Evaluations of Local Governance: The Moderating Role of Uncertainty, Mitchel Herian, Joseph A. Hamm, Alan Tomkins, and Lisa M. PytlikZillig
The Intergovernmental Politics of Internet Sales Taxation in the United States, Mitchel N. Herian
Nebraska State DMC Assessment, Anne Hobbs, Elizabeth M. Neeley, Candace Behrens, and Timbre Wulf-Ludden
How Indeterminism Shapes Ecologists’ Contributions to Managing Socio-Ecological Systems, Sarah Michaels and Andrew J. Tyre
Lancaster County Indigent Defense Advisory Committee: Report on the Costs of Legal Representation, Elizabeth M. Neeley
Public input methods impacting confidence in government, Lisa M. PytlikZillig, Alan Tomkins, Mitchel Norman Herian, Joseph A. Hamm, and Tarik Abdel-Monem
Local Budgeting and Public Participation: Contextual Predictors of State Laws Mandating Public Input, Mitchel Norman Herian
EVALUATION OF RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN REPORTED RESILIENCE AND SOLDIER OUTCOMES, Report #2: Positive Performance Outcomes in Officers (Promotions, Selections, & Professions), Paul B. Lester, Peter D. Harms, Denise Bulling, Mitchel Herian, Sarah J. Beal, and Seth M. Spain
EVALUATION OF RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN REPORTED RESILIENCE AND SOLDIER OUTCOMES, Report #1: Negative Outcomes (Suicide, Drug Use and Violent Crime), Paul B. Lester, Peter D. Harms, Denise Bulling, Mitchel Herian, and Seth M. Spain
The Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Program Evaluation. Report #3: Longitudinal Analysis of the Impact of Master Resilience Training on Self-Reported Resilience and Psychological Health Data, Paul B. Lester, Peter D. Harms, Mitchel Norman Herian, Dina V. Krasikova, and Sarah J. Beal
Representative Juries: Examining the Initial and Eligible Pools of Juries, Elizabeth M. Neeley
Public Engagement for Informing Science and Technology Policy: What Do We Know, What Do We Need to Know, and How Will We Get There?, Lisa M. PytlikZillig and Alan Tomkins
Using Public Engagements to Provide Input and Insights into Policy, Legal, Ethical, and Other Impacts of Science, Lisa M. PytlikZillig, Alan Tomkins, Peter Muhlberger, Rosevelt L. Pardy, T. Jack Morris, Youris A. Dzenis, Joseph A. Turner, and Timothy P. Collins
Reducing Failure to Appear in Nebraska: A Field Study, Mitchel N. Herian and Brian H. Bornstein
Citizen Satisfaction Survey Data: A Mode Comparison of the Derived Importance–Performance Approach, Mitchel Norman Herian and Alan J. Tomkins
Public Input for Municipal Policymaking: Engagement Methods and Their Impact on Trust and Confidence, Alan Tomkins, Lisa M. Pytlik Zillig, Mitchel Herian, Tarik Abdel-Monem, and Joseph A. Hamm
A balance of power, Antona Beckman
Addressing Water Policy in the New Administration, Sarah Michaels, Robert Hirsch, Stephen Parker, and Leonard Shabman
From Investigation to Implementation: Factors for Successful Commissions on the Elimination of Racial and Ethnic Bias, Elizabeth Neeley
Representative Juries: Examining the Initial and Eligible Pools of Jurors, Elizabeth M. Neeley
Discussing Affirmative Action: Past, Present & Future Considerations, Elizabeth M. Neeley, Jose Soto, and Becky Gould
Constructs of Justice: Beyond Civil Litigation, Alan Tomkins and Kimberly Applequist
Nebraska Judicial Structure and Administration Task Force Final Report, Elizabeth M. Neeley, Amy Prenda, and Mitch Herian
Review of Studies in Public Opinion: Attitudes, Nonattitudes, Measurement Error, and Change , Mitchel Herian
Equal Access to Bail Bond, Elizabeth Neeley
Nebraska Efforts to Ensure Equal Access to Justice, Elizabeth Neeley
The Long Arm of the European Convention on Human Rights and the Recent Development of Issa v. Turkey, Tarik Abdel-Monem
Clinical Decision-Making about Psychopathy and Violence Risk Assessment in Public Sector Mental Health Settings , Eric B. Elbogen, Matthew T. Huss, Alan Tomkins, and Mario J. Scalora
Review of Power, Knowledge, and Politics: Policy Analysis in the States by John A. Hird, Mitch Herian
Working Together to Increase Diversity in the Legal Profession, Elizabeth Neeley
Research and Engagement Opportunities for Applying Science to Public Policy, Alan Tomkins
United Way and University partnerships in community-wide human services planning and plan implementation: The case of Lincoln/Lancaster County, Nebraska., Alan Tomkins, Nancy C. Shank, Darcy Tromanhauser, Sandy Rupp, and Robin Mahoney
Review of Democracy in California: Government and Politics in the Golden State: Post-recall Edition by Brian P. Janiskee, and Ken Masugi, Mitchel N. Herian
Minority and Justice Implementation Committee Releases Update on Nebraska’s Indigent Defense Systems, Elizabeth Neeley and Dennis R. Keefe
Foreign Nationals in the United States Witness Security Program: A Remedy for Every Wrong?, Tarik Abdel-Monem
Nebraska Judicial Structure and Administration Task Force Final Report, January 2003, Judd R. Choate and Elizabeth M. Neeley
Farewell from the Editor of BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES AND THE LAW, Alan Tomkins
International Perspectives on Restorative and Community Justice, Alan Tomkins and Mark A. Small
Introduction to Public Trust and Confidence in the Courts, David B. Rottman and Alan Tomkins
From the Psychiatric Hospital to the Community: Integrating Conditional Release and Contingency Management, Eric B. Elbogen and Alan Tomkins
Introduction to "Current Directions": Behavioral Sciences and the Law 2000, Alan Tomkins
Introduction to International Perspectives on Therapeutic Jurisprudence, Part II, Alan Tomkins and David Carson
Public Trust and Confidence in the Courts: What Public Opinion Surveys Mean to Judges, David B. Rottman and Alan Tomkins
Introduction to International Perspectives on Therapeutic Jurisprudence, Alan Tomkins and David Carson
Final Report: Nebraska Child Support Collection and Disbursement System Implementation Project, Alan Tomkins and Nancy C. Shank
Introduction to Families and the Courts: Special Issue of Behavioral Sciences & the Law, Alan Tomkins and Pamela M. Casey
The Need for and the Role of Comparative and Cross-Cultural Perspectives in Behavioral-Science-and-Law Scholarship, David Carson and Alan Tomkins
Introduction to special issue: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES (Behavioral Sciences and the Law), Alan Tomkins and David Carson
EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN PSYCHOLOGY AND LAW/CRIMINAL JUSTICE: Historical Foundations, Present Structures, and Future Developments, James R. P. Ogloff, Alan Tomkins, and Donald N. Bersoff
Introduction to "Persons with Disabilities": Special Issue of Behavioral Sciences and the Law, Alan Tomkins