Food Science and Technology Department | University of Nebraska - Lincoln Research | DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Food Science is a discipline that integrates biology, chemistry, math, and other sciences to find better ways to feed the world. As the world's population expands and consumer demands change, the need for food scientists has never been greater. Some of the challenges faced by food scientists include: applying biotechnology to enhance food quality and safety, decreasing the occurrence of food related illnesses, discovering new uses for agricultural crops and maintaining a secure and safe food supply. We are internationally recognized for our research on food safety, food chemistry, and food engineering.

Browse the Food Science and Technology Department Collections:

Core for Applied Genomics and Ecology (CAGE)

Dairy Store

Department of Food Science and Technology: Dissertations, Theses, and Student Research

Department of Food Science and Technology: Faculty Publications

Food Marketing and Processing -- FoodMap

Food Processing Center

Food Science & Technology Department Records

Gut Function Initiative