Agricultural Economics Department


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Date of this Version



Nebraska Farm Real Estate Market Highlights 2017-2018 (2018). University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Copyright © 2018 University of Nebraska


2018 Nebraska Agricultural Land Values

Table 1 Average Reported Value of Nebraska Farmland for Different Land Types by Agricultural Statistics District, February 1, 2018

Table 2 2018 Values and Recent Trends by Area of the State

Table 3 2018 Values and Recent Trends by Land Class in Nebraska

2018 Land Values Ranges

Table 4 Average Reported Value Per Acre of Nebraska Farmland for Different Types and Grades of Land in Nebraska by Agricultural Statistics District, February 1, 2018

2018 Net Rates of Return to Agricultural Land

Table 5 Estimated Annual Net Rates of Return by Type of Land and Agricultural Statistics District, Selected Years 2014-2018

Factors Influencing Current Agricultural Land Markets / Characteristics of 2017 Land Market Transactions

Table 6 Land Characteristics of 2017 Agricultural Real Estate Transactions, by Agricultural Statistics District in Nebraska

Table 7 Types of Financing Associated with 2017 Agricultural Real Estate Sales, by Agricultural Statistics District in Nebraska

Table 8 Percent Distribution of Agricultural Real Estate Transactions in 2017 by Buyer Type, by Agricultural Statistics District in Nebraska

Table 9 Percent Distribution of Agricultural Real Estate Transactions in 2017 by Seller Type, by Agricultural Statistics District in Nebraska

2018 Cash Rental Rates

Table 10 Reported Cash Rental Rates for Various Types of Nebraska Farmland and Pasture: 2018 Averages, Percent Change from 2017 and Quality Ranges by Agricultural Statistics District

Table 11 Reported Cash Rental Rates for Pasture on a Monthly Rate Basis for 2018: Averages and Ranges by Agricultural Statistics District

Special Feature: 2018 Cash Lease Adjustments on Irrigation Equipment for Cropland Rental Arrangements in Nebraska

Table 12 Discount on Cash Rent per Acre When Tenant Owns Power Unit for Irrigation System in Nebraska

Statistical Appendix

Appendix Table 1 Farm Real Estate Values in Nebraska, USDA Historical Series, 1860-2018a

Appendix Table 2 Deflated USDA Farmland Values and Percent Changes for Nebraska, 1930 to 2018

Appendix Table 3 Nominal and Deflated Agricultural Land Values by Selected Types of Land in Nebraska, 1978 to 2018

Appendix Table 4 Average Reported Value of Nebraska Farmland for Different Types of Land by Agricultural Statistics District, 1978-2018

Appendix Table 5 Historical Per Acre Value Range for Different Types and Quality Grades of Land in Nebraska by Agricultural Statistics District, 2014-2018

Appendix Table 6 Estimated Annual Net Rates of Return to Nebraska Farmland for Different Types of Land by Agricultural Statistics District, 1990-2018

Appendix Table 7 Historical Average Cash Rental Rates of Nebraska Farmland for Different Types of Land by Agricultural Statistics District, 1981-2018

List of Figures

Figure 1 Nebraska Agricultural Statistics Districts

Figure 2 Average Value of Nebraska Farmland, February 1, 2018 and Percent Change From Year Earlier

Figure 3 Historical Nebraska All Land Average Value per Acre and Marketing Year Average Price of Corn, Selected Years 1978-2018

Figure 4 Historical Estimated Annual Net Rates of Return by Land Type in Nebraska, Selected Years 1990-2018

Figure 5 Reporters’ Rating of Factors Influencing Agricultural Land Values in Their Areas of Nebraska, February 2018

Figure 6 Entity Responsible for Maintaining Irrigation System as Part of Cash Lease Arrangement in Nebraska

Figure 7 Discount on Cash Rent per Acre When Tenant Owns Pivot for Irrigation System in Nebraska
