Perceptions of Individual and Community Well-Being Among Rural Nebraskans, Rebecca J. Vogt, Randolph L. Cantrell, Miguel A. Carranza, Bruce B. Johnson, and David J. Peters
Hydrologically-Connected Ground Water, Section 858, and the Spear T Ranch Decision, J. David Aiken
The Republican, the Platte and Pumpkin Creek: Current Nebraska Water Policy Issues, J. David Aiken
Public Inputs and Dynamic Producer Behavior: Endogenous Growth in U.S. Agriculture, Lilyan E. Fulginiti and Alejandro Onofri
The 2007 Farm Bill: U.S. producer preferences for agricultural, food and public policy, Bradley Lubben, Nelson L. Bills, James B. Johnson, and James L. Novak
Price elasticity reconsidered: Panel estimation of an agricultural water demand function, Karina Schoengold, David L. Sunding, and Georgina Moreno
Pillars of Growth in Nebraska’s Non-Metropolitan Economy, Eric Thompson, Ernie Goss, Chris Decker, Cheryl A. Burkhart-Kriesel, Bruce Johnson, Ben Schmitz, Julian Neira, and Pavel Jeutang
Strategic Labeling and Trade of GMOs, Luc Veyssiere and Konstantinos Giannakas
Perceptions of Latin American Immigration Among Rural Nebraskans, Rebecca J. Vogt, Randolph L. Cantrell, Miguel A. Carranza, Bruce B. Johnson, and Alan J. Tomkins
Newcomers in Nebraska’s Rural Communities, Rebecca J. Vogt, Randolph L. Cantrell, Bruce B. Johnson, and Alan Tomkins
2006 Nebraska Rural Poll Results: Views of Life in Nebraska’s Rural Communities, Rebecca J. Vogt, Randolph L. Cantrell, Bruce B. Johnson, and Alan J. Tomkins
Making a Living in Rural Nebraska, Rebecca J. Vogt, Randolph L. Cantrell, Bruce B. Johnson, and Alan J. Tomkins
Perceptions of Well-Being Among Rural Nebraskans, Rebecca J. Vogt, Randolph L. Cantrell, Bruce B. Johnson, and Alan J. Tomkins
Costs of 2001 methyl bromide rules estimated for California strawberry industry, Colin A. Carter, James A. Chalfant, Rachael E. Goodhue, and Gregory J. McKee
SYMPOSIUM PAPER: Economic and Tax Implications for Managing Beef Replacement Heifers, R. T. Clark, K. W. CREIGHTON, H. H. PATTERSON, and T. N. Barrett
Forward Pricing Behavior of Corn and Soybean Producers, Todd Davis, George Patrick, Keith Coble, Thomas Knight, and Alan Baquet
Productivity and Welfare, Lilyan E. Fulginiti and Richard K. Perrin
Target Markets for Grain and Cotton Marketing Consultants and Market Information Systems, Oscar Vergara, Keith H. Coble, Darren Hudson, George F. Patrick, Thomas O. Knight, and Alan Baquet
Community Life and Housing in Rural Nebraska: 2005 Nebraska Rural Poll Results, Rebecca J. Vogt, Randolph L. Cantrell, Bruce B. Johnson, and Alan Tomkins
Rural Nebraska: Looking Back at a Decade of Change and Progress: 2005 Nebraska Rural Poll Results, Rebecca J. Vogt, Randolph L. Cantrell, Bruce B. Johnson, and Alan Tomkins
Rural Nebraskans’ Support for Alternative Energy Sources: 2005 Nebraska Rural Poll Results, Rebecca J. Vogt, Randolph L. Cantrell, Bruce B. Johnson, and Alan Tomkins
Well-Being in Rural Nebraska: 2005 Nebraska Rural Poll Results, Rebecca J. Vogt, Randolph L. Cantrell, Bruce B. Johnson, and Alan Tomkins
2005 Nebraska Rural Poll Results: Well-Being in Rural Nebraska, Rebecca J. Vogt, Randolph L. Cantrell, Bruce B. Johnson, and Alan J. Tomkins
The Use of Pricing and Markets for Water Allocation, David Zilberman and Karina Schoengold
The Western Common Law of Tributary Groundwater: Implications for Nebraska, J. David Aiken
Understanding the Economic Factors Influencing Farm Policy Preferences, Keith H. Coble, Thomas O. Knight, George F. Patrick, and Alan E. Baquet
Institutions and Agricultural Productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa, Lilyan E. Fulginiti, Richard K. Perrin, and Yu Bingxin
CASE STUDY: To Replace or Not to Replace: Determining Optimal Replacement Rates in Beef Cattle Operations, W. S. MACKAY, J. C. WHITTIER, T. G. FIELD, W. J. UMBERGER, R. B. TEICHERT, and D. M. FEUZ
Effects of Replacement Rate on Cow Herd Budget, Darrell R. Mark and Richard J. Rasby
Captive Supplies and Cash Market Prices for Fed Cattle: The Role of Delivery Timing Incentives, John R. Schroeter and Azzeddine Azzam
Nebraska Feedyard Labor Cost Benchmarks and Historical Trends, Rik R. Smith and Darrell R. Mark
Cotton Producers’ Choice of Marketing Techniques, Oscar Vergara, Keith H. Coble, Thomas O. Knight, George F. Patrick, and Alan Baquet
Farm Income Variability and the Supply of Off-Farm Labor by Limited-Resource Farmers, Oscar Vergara, Keith H. Coble, George F. Patrick, Thomas O. Knight, and Alan Baquet
Costly (Dis)Agreement: Optimal Intervention, Income Redistribution, and Transfer Efficiency of Output Quotas in the Presence of Cheating, Konstantinos Giannakas and Murray Fulton
Tough Love: Optimal Enforcement of Output Quotas in the Presence of Cheating, Konstantinos Giannakas and Murray Fulton
Analysis of Beef Producers’ Risk Management Perceptions and Desire for Further Risk Management Education, David C. Hall, Thomas O. Knight, Keith H. Coble, Alan E. Baquet, and George F. Patrick
Agricultural Land Ownership and Tenure Patterns in Nebraska, Bruce B. Johnson
Extension Educators' Perceptions of Risk Management Training Needs, Steven W. Martin, Oscar Vergara, George F. Patrick, Keith H. Coble, Thomas O. Knight, and Alan Baquet
Information Pooling and Collusion: Implications for The Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act, Kenneth Njoroge
Captive Supplies and the Spot Market Price of Fed Cattle: The Plant-Level Relationship, John R. Schroeter and Azzeddine Azzam
Strategic Labeling and Trade of GMOs, Luc Veyssiere and Konstantinos Giannakas
Agriculture and Economic Growth: Theory and Measurement, Lilyan E. Fulginiti
Direct and Indirect Shadow Price and Cost Estimates of Nitrogen Pollution Abatement, Saleem Shaik, Glenn A. Helmers, and Michael R. Langemeier
A Game Theory Approach to Deciding Who Will Supply Instream Flow Water, Ray Supalla, Bettina Klaus, Osei Yeboah, and Randall Bruins
Slotting Allowances and Price-Cost Margins: A Note, Azzeddine Azzam
Separating the Impacts of Crop Diversification and Rotations on Risk, Glenn A. Helmers, Charles F. Yamoah, and Gary E. Varvel
Valuing Farmland Conservation Easements, Steven B. Mitchell and Bruce B. Johnson
Technical Change and Welfare in an Open Economy with Distortions, Richard K. Perrin and LILYAN FULGINITI
Dynamic Pricing of Genetically Modified Crop Traits, Richard K. Perrin and Lilyan E. Fulginiti
The Design of Supranational Organizations for the Provision of International Public Goods: Global Environmental Protection, E. Wesley F. Peterson
Flexible Cash Leasing of Cropland, Roger A. Selley, Bruce B. Johnson, H. Douglas Jose, and John D. Cole
Estimation of Demand for Wheat by Classes for the United States and the European Union, Samarendu Mohanty and E. Wesley F. Peterson
Book Review: Pigs, Profits, and Rural Communitiesby Thu, Kendall M., & Durrenberger, E. Paul (Eds.), E. Wesley F. Peterson
The Value of Additional Central Flyway Wetlands: The Case of Nebraska's Rainwater Basin Wetlands, P. Joan Poor
Externalities from Roaming Livestock: Explaining the Demise of the Open Range, Terence J. Centner and Ronald C. Griffin
Agricultural productivity in developing countries, Lilyan E. Fulginiti and Richard K. Perrin
Platte River Basin Study, Report to the Western Water Policy Review Advisory Committee, Leo Eisel and J. David Aiken
LDC Agriculture: Non-parametric Malmquist Productivity Indexes, Lilyan E. Fulginiti and Richard K. Perrin
The Change from Red to White Meat: The Role of Technology, LILYAN E. FULGINITI
Färe, Rolf, Shauna Grosskopf. Intertemporal Production Frontiers:with Dynamic DEA. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996, 208 pp., Lilyan E. Fulginiti
Productivity Measurement in the Presence of "Poorly Priced" Goods, Lilyan E. Fulginiti and Richard K. Perrin
Irrigation Management Practices in Nebraska, Ray Supalla, William Miller, and Benedict Juliano
Obligations and Penalties under Lemon Laws: Automobiles versus Tractors, Terence J. Centner and Michael E. Wetzstein
An Allais Measure of Production Sector Waste due to Quotas, Lilyan E. Fulginiti and Richard K. Perrin
Price-Conditional Technology, LILYAN E. FULGINITI
Interventions and Production Sector Waste in LDC Agriculture, Lilyan E. Fulginiti and Richard K. Perrin
Almost Ideal Area Yield Crop Insurance Contracts, Vincent H. Smith, Hayley H. Chouinard, and Alan E. Baquet
Protecting the Hidden Resource: The Quiet Crisis in Nebraska Pesticide and Ground Water Protection Policies, J. David Aiken
Measures of Waste Due to Quotas, Lilyan E. Fulginiti and Richard K. Perrin
PRICES AND PRODUCTIVITY IN AGRICULTURE, Lilyan E. Fulginiti and Richard K. Perrin
Agricultural Protection in Developing Countries, Lilyan E. Fulginiti and Richard K. Perrin
Argentine Agricultural Policy in a Multiple-Output, Multiple-Input Framework, Lilyan E. Fulginiti and Richard K. Perrin
Balancing Endangered Species Protection and Irrigation Water Rights: The Platte River Cooperative Agreement, J. David Aiken
Chapter 12 Family Farmer Bankruptcy, J. David Aiken
New Directions in Nebraska Water Policy, J. David Aiken
Protecting Public Values in the Platte River, Eric Pearson and J. David Aiken
Economic Implications of Diminishing Groundwater Supplies in the High Plains Region, Ray Supalla, F. Charles Lamphear, and Glenn D. Schaible
Ground Water Mining Law and Policy, J. David Aiken
Nebraska Ground Water Law and Administration, J. David Aiken
The National Water Policy Review and Western Water Rights Reform, J. David Aiken
SB 545. COSTS OF DISTRIBUTING DRY·BULK FERTILIZER--Effects of Plant Size, Plant Utilization, Use Density, and Method of Delivery and Application, Dale G. Anderson and James Miller
A Methodology for Measuring Potential Benefits from Drought-Oriented Research in Nebraska, Arlen Leholm, Raymond J. Supalla, and Glen Vollmar
Ground Water Mining and Western Water Rights Law: the Nebraska Experience, J. David Aiken and Raymond J. Supalla
Grain TransportatIon Problems in Nebraska -- Causes and Cures. Proceedings of the Nebraska Grain Transportation Seminar, Dale G. Anderson, Dean Linsenmeyer, and Michael S. Turner
GUIDELINES FOR ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND BY-LAWS, John R. Uhrich, Philip A. Henderson, and J. David Aiken
EC77-868 Grain Pricing Alternatives, Lynn Lutgen
Economic Impact of Railroad Branch-line Abandonments: Results of a Southcentral Nebraska Case Study, Dale G. Anderson, Floyd D. Gaibler, and Mary Berglund
Place Discrimination In Rail Shipments of Wheat From Great Plains Origins, Dale G. Anderson and Brian L. Mariska
MP25 The Problem of Freight Car Supply, John Richard Felton
FARM CUSTOM RATES PAID IN NEBRASKA 1968, Douglas D. Duey and Robert Rawson
Commercial Farm Law: The Uniform Commercial Code, Thomas B. Allington and Clayton K. Yeutter
Cost of Operating Tractors in Nebraska, 1961, T. S. Thorfinnson and A. W. Epp