Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication, Department of


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Date of this Version



Journal of Agricultural Education Volume 40, Number 3, pp. 21-29 DOI: 10.5032/jae.1999.03021


Used by permission.


The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of Oregon Agricultural Science and Technology (AST) teachers toward integrating science into their agricultural education programs. Results of the study indicated that almost one fourth of Oregon 's AST teachers have a teaching credential with a science endorsement, while almost half the teachers indicated students receive science credit for agriculture classes in their high school. Teachers felt prepared to teach biological and physical science concepts and that integrating science into agriculture classes has increased their ability to teach students to solve problems. Teachers believed that administrator and parental support for the agriculture program has increased since they integrated more science into the curriculum, and that high ability students are more likely to enroll in agricultural education courses that integrate science. There are, however, barriers to integrating science. Funding and equipment are significant barriers to integrating science. Teachers also felt that lack of agriscience workshops for agricultural education teachers is a barrier to integrating science into the agricultural education program.
