Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication, Department of


Document Type


Date of this Version

October 2004


Published in The Journal of Agricultural Education, volume 45 (2004), pages 1-2. Used by permission.
The Journal of Agricultural Education (JAE) is a publication of the American Association for Agricultural Education (AAAE). Its back issues are available online at


This issue of The Journal of Leadership Education marks another first - a special issue. The Editorial Board is to be commended for taking the bold step of dedicating an issue to gender and leadership.

Hopefully, special issues will become a regular feature for the journal. Special issues offer researchers and practitioners the opportunity to immerse themselves more fully in the work in a particular area or discipline, and sometimes are the catalyst for new work that extends the research and practices that have been reported. The articles that are reported in this issue dedicated to gender and leadership offer much opportunity for reflection, discovery, and action.

Obviously, research in gender differences and leadership has been conducted in a number of disciplines and disseminated in a variety of journals. A group of researchers combined their interests in bridging this fragmentation, sorting through terminology and concept confusion, and proposed extending research and practice paths that have, in some instances, dead-ended.

Specifically, the articles in this issue trace the research in four different areas within gender differences and leadership (leader-member exchange, motivation, societal, team and individual leadership, and full-range leadership) and offer recommendations for research and practice in each of the areas. For the most part, the authors recommend that future research in gender and leadership be more complex and that it involve multiple measures of behaviors, at multiple levels, in multiple contexts. From the practice perspective, societal expectations of females appear to impact the way females are perceived, evaluated and promoted.

This issue represents The Journal of Leadership Education’s pursuit of excellence in manuscript reviews and acceptance. Four of ten manuscripts submitted for the special issue were accepted resulting in a 40% acceptance rate. One was initially accepted, the other three were returned for revisions, as suggested by the Review Board.
