Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication, Department of


Document Type


Date of this Version

April 1987


Published in The Journal of Agricultural Education, volume 28 (1987), pages 29-36. Used by permission.
The Journal of Agricultural Education (JAE) is a publication of the American Association for Agricultural Education (AAAE). Its back issues are available online at


Significant changes are occurring in the work place, and these changes must be reflected in the vocational education curriculum. A task force of the American Vocational Association (1981) developed a national agenda for vocational education which identified remaining current in the technical subject area as a major concern among vocational educators. More recently, a national study on vocational education placed the topic of “Keeping up with technological changes” third on a list of 60 topics of concern (Zellner & Parrish, 1986). Vocational agriculture faces a similar challenge to meet the needs of the changing agricultural industry. Curriculum content rapidly becomes obsolete and should be changed as needed. Weston ( 1959) c o n - ducted a study of mechanical jobs performed by selected farmers in Missouri . Weston’s instrument has been modified and used by Knott (1971), Shinn (1971) and Long (1981) to survey the mechanical skills needed by farmers.
