American Judges Association
Court Review: Journal of the American Judges Association
Court Review is published quarterly by the American Judges Association (AJA)
Editors: Professor Eve Brank, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Judge David D. Dreyer, Marion Superior Court, Indiana; Judge David Prince, Colorado State District Court
Managing Editor: Charles F. Campbell, National Center For State Courts Staff
ISBN: 0011-0647
Copyright © American Judges Association
Court Review: Volume 44, Issue 4 – Resource Page
Court Review: Volume 44, Issue 4 – Table of Contents
Court Review: Volume 44, Issue 1/2 – The Perceptions of Self-Represented Tenants in a Community-Based Housing Court, Rashida Abuwala and Donald J. Farole
Court Review: Volume 44, Issue 1/2 – Fair Procedures, Yes. But We Dare Not Lose Sight of Fair Outcomes, Brian H. Bornstein and Hannah Dietrich
Court Review: Volume 44, Issue 1/2 – Procedural Fairness: A Key Ingredient In Public Satisfaction, Kevin Burke and Steve Leben
Court Review: Volume 44, Issue 1/2 – Procedural Fairness in the California Courts, Douglas Denton
Court Review: Volume 44, Issue 3 – When Should Judges Use Alcohol Monitoring as a Sentencing Option in DWI Cases?, Victor E. Flango and Fred Cheesman
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 2 – Appointive Selection of Judges, Limited-Jurisdiction Courts with Non-Lawyer Judiciaries, and Judicial Independence, Norman L. Greene
Grounding Frequent Filers: The Trend of Revoking the Special Status of Overly Litigious Pro Se Litigants, Michael G. Langan
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 1 - President's Column, Steve Leben
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 4 – Editor’s Note, Steve Leben
Court Review: Volume 44, Issue 3 – Editor’s Note, Steve Leben
Court Review: Volume 44, Issue 3 – In Memory of Charles H. Whitebread, Steve Leben
Court Review: Volume 44, Issue 4 – Editor’s Note, Steve Leben
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 4 – A Judges’ Guide to Using Social Science, John Monahan and Laurens Walker
Court Review: Volume 44, Issue 4 – From Investigation to Implementation: Factors for Successful Commissions on the Elimination of Racial and Ethnic Bias, Elizabeth Neeley
Evaluating Court Processes for Determining Indigency, Elizabeth Neeley and Alan J. Tomkins
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 4 – President’s Column, Eileen Olds
Court Review: Volume 44, Issue 1/2 – President’s Column, Eileen Olds
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 4 – Mental Illness and the Courts: Some Reflections on Judges as Innovators, John Petrila and Allison Redlich
Court Review: Volume 44, Issue 1/2 – Procedural Fairness as a Court Reform Agenda, David B. Rottman
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 4 – Breaking News: Miller is Distinguishable from Branzburg, Levon Schlichter
Court Review: Volume 44, Issue 3 – President’s Column, Tam Schumann
Court Review: Volume 44, Issue 4 – President’s Column, Tam Schumann
Court Review: Volume 44, Issue 4 – An American Judge at the European Court of Human Rights, Donald Shaver
Court Review: Volume 44, Issue 1/2 – Decision Makers and Decision Recipients: Understanding Disparities in the Meaning of Fairness, Diane Sivasubramaniam and Larry Heuer
Court Review: Volume 44, Issue 1/2 – Editor’s Note, Alan J. Tomkins
Court Review: Volume 44, Issue 1/2 – Procedural Justice and the Courts, Tom R. Tyler
Court Review: Volume 44, Issue 3 – Selected Criminal Law Cases in the Supreme Court’s 2007-2008 Term, and a Look Ahead, Charles D. Weisselberg
Court Review: Volume 44, Issue 1/2 – Children and Procedural Justice, Victoria Weisz, Twila Wingrove, and April Faith-Slaker
Recent Criminal Decisions of the United States Supreme Court: The 2005-2006 Term, Charles Whitebread
Court Review: Volume 44, Issue 4 – Punitive Damages After Philip Morris USA v. Williams, Benjamin C. Zipursky
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 3-4 - Complete Issue
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 3-4 - Directory of Officers and Board of Governors, 2005-2006
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 3-4 - Editor's Note
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 3-4 - Table of Contents
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 3-4 - The Resource Page
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 2
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 2 – Cover
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 2 – Table of Contents
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 2 – The Resource Page
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 3-4 - Cover
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 3 – Complete Issue
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 3 – Cover
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 3 – Table of Contents
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 3 – The Resource Page
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 3 – Remarks on Judicial Independence, Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 3-4 - A Profile of Settlement, John Barkai, Elizabeth Kent, and Pamela Martin
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 2 – Judges vs. Juries, Brian H. Bornstein
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 3-4 - Seizing the Accountability Moment: Enlisting Americans in the Fight to Keep Courts Fair, Impartial, and Independent, Bert Brandenberg
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 2 – Judicial Reform in Texas: A Look Back After Two Decades, Anthony Champagne
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 3-4 - President’s Column, Michael Cicconetti
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 3-4 - Judges, Law, Politics & Strategy, Frank B. Cross
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 3-4 - Lessons from an Unusual Retention Election, Shira J. Goodman and Lynn A. Marks
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 3-4 - Book Review: A Judge's Role in the Rule of Law, William F. Hurst IV
Thoughts About Enriching Judicial Independence by Improving the Retention Vote Phase of Appointive Selection Systems, Jon F. Irwin and Daniel Real
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 2 – President’s Column, Steve Leben
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 3 – Editor’s Note, Steve Leben
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 3-4 - E-Courts: The Times They Are A-Changin’, James E. McMillan
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 3 – President’s Column, Eileen Olds
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 2 – The Legislatures, the Ballot Boxes, and the Courts, William Raftery
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 3 – Jailing Ourselves: Standards Used for Declaring United States Citizens to Be Enemy Combatants, Joseph Carl Storch
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 2 – Editor’s Note, Alan J. Tomkins
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 3 – Recent Civil Decisions of the United States Supreme Court: The 2006-2007 Term, Charles Whitebread
Court Review: Volume 43, Issue 3 – Recent Criminal Decisions of the United States Supreme Court: The 2006-2007 Term, Charles H. Whitebread
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 3-4 - Judicial Elections: Changes and Challenges, Jan Witold Baran
Court Review: Volume 41, Issue 3-4 - Complete Issue
Court Review: Volume 41, Issue 3-4 - Cover
Court Review: Volume 41, Issue 3-4 - Table of Contents
Court Review: Volume 41, Issue 3-4 - The Resource Page
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 1 - Complete Issue
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 1 - Cover
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 1 - Editor's Note
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 1 - Resource Page
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 1 - Table of Contents
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 1 - The Resource Page: Focus on Electronic Discovery
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 2 - Complete Issue
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 2 - Cover
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 2 - Editor's Note
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 2 - Resource Page
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 2 - Table of Contents
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 2 - Courtroom 302: How America’s Criminal Justice System Really Works, Angela M. Brouse
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 1 - President’s Column, Michael Cicconetti
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 2 - President’s Column, Michael Cicconetti
Court Review: Volume 41, Issue 3-4 - Is Judicial Independence a Casualty in State and Local Budget Battles?, Michael A. Cicconetti, Michael Buenger, Lawrence G. Myers, and Robert Wessels
American Review: Volume 42, Issue 1 - DWI Courts: The Newest Problem-Solving Courts, Victor E. Flango
Court Review: Volume 41, Issue 3-4 - Working on the Components of Judicial Independence, Ronald M. George
Court Review: Volume 41, Issue 3-4 - Judicial Independence: The Freedom to Be Fair, Steve Leben, Michael R. McAdam, Leo Bowman, Kevin S. Burke, Michael Cicconetti, Malcom Feeley, Jack Ford, Gayle Nachtigal, Tam Nomoto Schumann, and William C. Vickrey
Court Review: Volume 41, Issue 3-4 - Friends of the Court? The Bar, the Media, and the Public, Steve Leben, John Russonello, and Malcom Feeley
Court Review: Volume 41, Issue 3-4 - Balancing Act: Can Judicial Independence Coexist with Court Accountability?, Michael W. Manners, Michael Buenger, Kevin S. Burke, and Bobby B. DeLaughter
Court Review: Volume 41, Issue 3-4 - Problem-Solving Courts: Do They Create Judicial Independence Problems or Opportunities or Both?, Michael R. McAdam, Kevin S. Burke, and Mary Campbell McQueen
Court Review: Volume 41, Issue 3-4 - President’s Column, Gayle A. Nachtigal
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 1 - Judicial Responses to an Aging America, Max B. Rothman and Burton Dunlop
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 2 - On the Limitations of Child-Custody Evaluations, Ira Daniel Turkat
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 1 - Judicial Accountability, Fairness, and Independence, Roger K. Warren
Court Review: Volume 24, Issue 1 - Recent Criminal Decisions of the United States Supreme Court: The 2004-2005 Term, Charles H. Whitebread
Court Review: Volume 42, Issue 2 - Recent Civil Decisions of the United States Supreme Court: The 2004-2005 Term, Charles H. Whitebread