Department of Animal Science
Date of this Version
Table of Contents:
Advisors ...............................2
Animal Science Faculty .....................3
Officers ................................4
Committee Chairman ......................5
Membership ........................... 6-7
NU Graduate Students ..................... 8
Animal Science Graduates ................9-13
Quarter Horse Show ................... 14-1 5
Appaloosa Horse Show ....................1 6
Livestock Contest ........................ 17
Honor's Banquet ...................... 18- 19
Portrait Presentation ......................2 0
Junior Scholarship Award ................. 21
Senior Merit Award ......................22
ASAS Meeting & Sticker Sales .............. 23
Youthful Exhibitors ......................24
Program Review .........................25
Fall Steak Fry ..........................26
KidlsDay ..............................27
Little AK-SAR-BEN ...................2 8-30
Ham Sales ..............................31
National B & B Report ....................32
Christmas Coffee ........................33
B & B Queen Finalists ....................34
B & B Queen & Runnerup .................35
Meats Contest .......................... 36
Spring Tour ........................ .37-39 Senior Livestock Judging Team .............40
Senior Meats Judging Team ................41
Junior Livestock Judging Team ............. 42
Junior Meats Judging Team ................43
ln dex of Ad Subscribers ...................44
Ads ................................ 45