Animal Science, Department of
Document Type
Date of this Version
October 1917
During the past several years considerable experimental work has been performed at the University of Nebraska in fattening western lambs. The attractiveness of fattening lambs at prices existing during a series of recent years has caused a material increase in the interest in this work, and we have felt justified in experimenting rather extensively to ascertain the most satisfactory combination of feeds to use under our Nebraska conditions. The objects in view have been chiefly to ascertain the most satisfactory rations where corn and alfalfa hay constituted the basal feeds. We have used these two feeds extensively because of the fact that they are grown in practically all districts of Nebraska where lamb feeding is practiced and are, generally speaking, our most economical feeds. Corn, of course, sells in most parts of the state at market prices which ifi the main run from 13" to 17 cents per bushel under Chicago quotations. Alfalfa hay on the other hand in most seasons has a very low value on the farm. An average figure for alfalfa hay in the mow or stack would be but little above $5.00 per ton, and even this year with all grain prices abnormally high alfalfa can be purchased in most localities at from 6 to 7 dollars per ton. Consequently we feel justified in depending upon alfalfa as our chief roughage and upon corn as our chief concentrate.
Published in Journal of Animal Science, 1917, pp. 126-130. Copyright THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ANIMAL PRODUCTION. Used by permission.