Animal Science, Department of


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Mader, T.L., L. J. Johnson, T. M. Brown-Brandl, and J. B. Gaughan. 2008. Climate conditions in bedded confinement buildings. In Proceedings of ASABE International Livestock Environment Symposium. Aug. 31-Sept 04, 2008. Iguassu Falls City, Brazil. P. 395-410. DOI: 10.13031/2013.25527

Livestock Environment VIII Proceedings of the 31 August - 4 September 2008 Conference (Iguassu Falls, Brazil) Publication Date 31 August 2008 ASABE Publication Number 701P0408


U.S. government work


Confinement buildings are utilized for finishing cattle to allow more efficient collection of animal waste and to buffer animals against adverse climatic conditions. Environmental data were obtained from a 29 m wide x 318 m long, solid floor, bedded confinement building with the long axis oriented east to west. The south side (front) was approximately 8.5 m high and the north (back) side is approximately 5.0 m high with 3.7 m being open (at the top). The opening was closed to within 1.0 m of the top in the winter. In general, low wind speed and/or decreased air movement associated with the building tends to allow for greater relative humidity (RH) especially at the front of the building (south facing) in the summer and winter. The use of the buildings did not lessen heat stress in the summer, as measured by the temperature humidity index (THI) but acted as a shade to decrease the solar heat load on the animal. During the summer season, temperatures were generally greatest at the front of the building. However, in the winter, 2 to 4ºC greater temperatures were maintained in the building when compared to outside conditions, by decreasing air flow through the building and from heat generated by the cattle. Bedded barn facilities appear to be useful for buffering cattle against the adverse effects of the environment under hot and cold conditions even though less airflow and greater RH can be found inside the barn when compared to outside conditions. Keywords. Beef Cattle, Building, Feedlot, Season,
