Animal Science, Department of


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Date of this Version



JDS Communications. 2024; 5:5–6. https: / / doi .org/ 10 .3168/ jdsc .2023 -0523


Used by permission.


At the core of scientific peer review is “sharing insights and information among peers so that researchers can learn from each other and move science forward” (Schultz, 2020). This year will mark the 107th year of existence for the Journal of Dairy Science. Over this time, the journal has been a stable pillar of ADSA, the dairy sector, and the scientific community. Several years ago, Kent Anderson published an article (Anderson, 2016) in the Scholarly Kitchen, an online blog of the Society for Scholarly Publishing, and discussed the vibrant community that makes up virtually all successful scholarly publications. Anderson wrote that these publications “are not just production outlets for research papers, but community creations that provide identity, context, and cultural integration.
