Animal Science, Department of


Document Type


Date of this Version

January 1970


Published in Journal of Animal Science 30:388‑393. Copyright © 1970 American Society of Animal Science. Used by permission.


A system of restricted feeding in which feed is entirely withheld for intervals of 24, 48 or 72 hr. following a 24-hr. period of ad libitum feeding in continuous sequence throughout the finishing period depresses weight gain and efficiency of feed utilization in direct relation to duration of the fasting period and has marked associated effects on carcass measurements, gland and organ weights and a small effect on fatty acid composition of the back fat (Veum et al., 1970). Cohn (1963) and Leveille and Hanson (1965, 1966) have shown marked changes in metabolism of nutrients and in body composition associated with frequency of meal intake in laboratory animals. The work reported herein was included as a part of the experiment of Veum et al. (1970). The purpose was to determine the effects of feeding-fasting interval of finishing pigs on several blood parameters in terms of postprandial and long-term changes in concentrations associated with feeding sequence.
