Animal Science, Department of


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Date of this Version



A joint project of the Nebraska Corn Board and the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Agricultural Research Division, University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension.

For more information or to request additional copies of this manual, contact the Nebraska Corn Board at 1-800-632-6761 or e-mail

Brought to you by Nebraska corn producers through their corn checkoff dollars— expanding demand for Nebraska corn and value-added corn products.


Corn milling co-products are expected to increase dramatically in supply as the ethanol industry expands. Distillers grains, corn gluten feed, or a combination of both co-products offer many feeding options when included in pasture and feedlot diets. These co-product feeds may effectively improve cattle performance and operation profitability. When these co-products are fed in feedlot diets, adjustments to grain processing method and roughage level may improve cattle performance. Innovative storage methods for wet co-products and the use of dried co-products offer small operations flexibility when utilizing co-products. As new co-products are developed by ethanol plants, they should be evaluated with performance data to determine their product-specific feeding values.
