Animal Science, Department of


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Date of this Version



A joint project of the Nebraska Corn Board and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Agricultural Research Division, Cooperative Extension Division. For more information or to request additional copies of this manual, contact the Nebraska Corn Board at 1-800-632-6761 or e-mail Brought to you by Nebraska corn producers through their corn checkoff dollars— expanding demand for Nebraska corn and value-added corn products.


Corn milling co-products are expected to increase dramatically in supply. Two primary types of milling processes currently exist, resulting in quite different feed products. The dry milling process produces distillers grains plus solubles, and the wet milling process produces corn gluten feed. These feeds can be marketed as wet feed, or they can be dried and marketed as either dry corn gluten feed or dry distillers grains with or without solubles. For the purposes of this article, only wet corn gluten feed (WCGF) and wet distillers grains plus solubles (WDGS) will be discussed. The majority of plant expansions are dry milling plants that produce WDGS; however, an increase in supply of WCGF is also expected. Therefore, these feeds may be very attractive for beef producers to use as an energy source. This article will focus on the production, composition of these feeds, energy values, and economics of using WDGS. Some other management issues will be discussed as well including grain processing when these co-products are used in feedlot diets, roughage level when these co-products are used, and feeding combinations of WDGS and WCGF. Forage fed situations will be covered with dried co-products as this will be the most common application for both energy and protein supplementation in many forage feeding situations.
