Animal Science, Department of


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Date of this Version



Published in the Journal of Animal Science 51 (1980), pp. 361-366. Copyright © 1980 American Society of Animal Science. Used by permission.


Weanling crossbred pigs (average weight 5 kg) were fed diets containing two levels of fat and six levels of lysine in a 2 • 6 factorial design to determine the lysine requirement of young pigs fed practical diets with and without added fat. The diets were based on corn and soybean meal and contained either 5% sucrose or 5% lard. Lysine levels ranged from .95% (basal) to 1.45% in .10% increments. The growth trial was 28 days long and pigs were bled at 14 and 28 days. Feed intake (ADFI), weight gain (ADG), feed efficiency (G:F) and changes in plasma levels of urea and lysine were the response criteria. Dry matter, protein and energy digestibilities of the diets were measured at the end of the growth trial.
