Animal Science, Department of


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Date of this Version



The Professional Animal Scientist 23 (2007):500–508


Calving date for 120 cows in the Nebraska Sandhills was changed from the traditional calving season beginning March 15 (d 75) to one beginning June 15 (d 167) to match increased nutrient needs for lactating cows to immature grazed forages that are high in protein and energy. The hypotheses being tested were that 1) less hay and purchased feeds would be required, 2) production costs would be reduced, and 3) net returns would be greater for June-calving cows compared with their March-calving counterparts. All steer calves from 75 March-calving cows were moved to a feedlot within 60 d of weaning (March calf-feds). Half the steer calves from the 120 June-calving herd were moved within 60 d of weaning to a feedlot to be finished (June calf-feds) and the other half were moved to a feedlot in September after summer grazing of Sandhills rangeland (June yearlings). Half of the June-calving cows were bred on sub-irrigated regrowth (Meadow) and half on upland range. Data on 4 consecutive calf crops were collected through harvest with an additional year collected to feedlot placement. Results showed that fed hay was reduced from 1.79 to 0.10 metric tons per cow annually for the June-calving system. Cost and return analyses were conducted by production phases on steer calves. Production costs for both June-calving groups were less and net returns higher when compared with the March-calved group. The highest net return for a calf group was for the June yearlings from cows bred on subirrigated regrowth.
