"Effect of Corn Residue Grazing or Baling on Subsequent Crop Yield and " by Kristen M. Ulmer, Jordan L. Cox et al.

Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version



2017 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. University of Nebraska Extension MP104. Lincoln, NE.


© 2016 The Board Regents of the University of Nebraska.


A 2- year study evaluated the effect of corn residue baling or grazing on subsequent yields, as well as, nutrient removal by baling at five locations in Nebraska. Three treatments were applied to each field: baled, grazed, and control (no baling and no grazing). Grain and stover yields were measured by hand harvest at maturity. No differences were observed among treatments for corn yield with baled having yields of 234 bu grain / acre, grazed with 239 bu grain / acre and control with 223 bu grain / acre. Th ere was no difference in stover yield among treatments (8,326, 8,135, and 7,945 lb stover DM / acre for baled, grazed, and control, respectively). Results indicate that removing corn residue provides a potential feed resource with no negative impact on grain yield in the short term.
