"Evaluation of Wheat Blended with Corn in Finishing Diets Containing " by C A. Coulson, B M. Boyd et al.

Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version



Published in 2021 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report, University of Nebraska Extension Publication MP110


Copyright © 2020 The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska.


An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of grain type and wet distillers grains inclusion on finishing cattle performance and carcass characteristics. It was hypothesized that a greater inclusion of wet distillers grains would help mitigate acidosis previously observed with feeding wheat. Treatments were designed as a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement, with the first factor as grain type at either 100% dry rolled corn or a 50:50 blend of dry- rolled wheat and dry rolled corn, and the second factor as wet distillers grains plus solubles (WDGS) inclusion at either 12 or 30% of diet dry matter. There were no interactions between grain type and WDGS inclusion level. Increasing WDGS in the diet improved average daily gain and feed conversion and increased hot carcass weight. There was no performance or carcass trait response to grain type. Increasing the inclusion of WDGS in the diet improves performance regardless of grain type used. Contrary to the hypothesis, feeding dry- rolled corn or a blend of dry- rolled corn and dry rolled wheat performed similarly at different WDGS inclusions, and may be an economical replacement for corn during certain times of the year.
