Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version



EC 70-218. University of Nebraska College of Agriculture and Home Economics


Used by permission.


The use of high concentrate rations in finishing cattle has led to a rather high loss of livers due to abscesses.

The 1967 Statistical Summary of the Federal Meat Inspection Service of the USDA indicated the total number of cattle inspected was 27,859,980. Of these, 9.6% were condemned because of liver abscess. Considering the value of a liver to be about $3, the estimated loss to the industry because of condemnatIon due to abscess would be over $8 million annually.

The incidence of liver abscesses increases as the roughage level in a finishing ration decreases below 5% (Table I). The feeding of some roughage or a broad spectrum antibiotic should help reduce the incidence of liver abscesses.
